ACM ICN 2019, Hong Kong, CHINA

Conference Venue

ACM ICN 2019 will be held at University of Macau.

Main Conference Venues (25-26 Sep.)

Building N21

Room G013 (for presentation) and Room G015 (for poster and demo)

University of Macau

Tutorial Venues (24 Sep.)

Building N1

Room 1004 and 1005

University of Macau

Social Event Venues

Lunch: Chinese Dim Sum, Fortune INN (in the Campus)

Reception: Saffron (Ground Floor), Banyan Tree, Macau

Banquet: Belon (on Level 31), Banyan Tree, Macau

Shuttle bus Schedule

A complimentary shuttle bus in the morning to the conference venue – University of Macau (UM) and back to the Sands Cotai Central (SCC) in the evening will be provided, and the shuttle bus pick-up point is East Wing Lobby @Sands Cotai Central (close to McDonald). The schedule is as follows.

Date Time Itinerary Pick-up Point
24 Sep 08:00 SCC-UM East Wing Lobby
24 Sep 17:00 UM-Banyan Tree Macau N21
24 Sep 19:30 Banyan Tree-SCC Banyan Tree Lobby
25 Sep 08:00 SCC-UM East Wing Lobby
25 Sep 17:30 UM-Banyan Tree Macau N21
25 Sep 20:00 Banyan Tree-SCC Banyan Tree Lobby
26 Sep 08:00 Banyan Tree-SCC Banyan Tree Lobby
26 Sep 17:00 UM-SCC N21