ACM ICN 2019 Travel Grants
The Conference Organizing Committee aims to provide as much travel support to as many student conference attendees as possible.
Who Should Apply?
The committee strongly prefers applicants who are not paper first author (the committee believes that authors' home organizations should cover costs for the first author). Poster authors, however, are encouraged to apply. Other evaluation criteria will include evidence of a serious interest in networking, as demonstrated by project experience. ACM-ICN especially encourages participation of women, underrepresented minorities, and people with disabilities.
What is Covered?
The level of support provided will depend on the finances of the conference and the needs of each award recipient. The grant will partially cover travel expenses (transportation, hotel, meals not included in the conference registration) but not the conference registration fee. The applicant is expected to cover the remaining expenses through other means. The level of support and the reimbursement details will be announced to award recipients (Note that travel reimbursement will only be after the conference, on submission of receipts).
Who Decides?
Applicants will be selected by the ACM ICN travel grant committee.Application Process
- Submit the application from the submission form available here.
- Send the letter of support from the student's advisor to the travel grant chairs ( The letter should: (a) confirm the applicant's standing at their institution (date started, program of study); (b) indicate current funding status, or explain why the applicant is in need of a travel grant, and confirm that the remainder of the expenses will be covered through other sources.
Important Dates
August 21, 2019 (8pm EST)
Travel Grant Application Submission Deadline (extended)
August 26, 2019
Travel Grant Award Notification
August 30, 2019
Deadline to Accept/Decline Travel Grant Award
- Travel Grant Chairs