November 30 - December 3, 2010
Philadelphia, USA

Photo by Bob Krist for the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau

Call for workshops

As in 2009, CoNEXT 2010 is soliciting proposals for a one-day workshop to be held in conjunction with the main conference and the CoNEXT Student Workshop. The workshop is considered an integral part of the conference and will be fully incorporated into its logistical and budget planning process.

The workshop should be on original and timely topics of broad interest to the CoNEXT community, and aimed at fostering lively discussions and technical exchanges among participants.
Workshop proposals sent in response to this open call should include the following material:

Proposals should be submitted to the workshop chair by email as ASCII or PDF files only.

Workshop dates

Workshop proposal deadline February 15, 2010
Notification of Workshop Acceptance March 15, 2010
Workshop Final Call for Papers March 29, 2010

Typical workshop dates

Paper submissions Early June 2010
Paper accept notifications Early September 2010
Camera ready Early October 2010

Workshop commmittee

Workshop Chair Aleksandar Kuzmanovic Northwestern University, USA