Conference Chairs |
Jaudelice de Oliveira |
Drexel University, USA |
Maximilian Ott |
NICTA, Australia |
TPC Chairs |
Tim Griffin |
University of Cambridge |
Muriel Medard |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Local Arrangements Chair |
Boon Thau Loo |
University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Steering Committee |
Mostafa Ammar |
Georgia Tech |
Ernst Biersack |
Eurecom |
Olivier Bonaventure |
Universite catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Kenjiro Cho |
IIJ Research Laboratory, Japan |
Bruce Davie |
Roch Guerin |
University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Laurent Mathy |
Lancaster University, UK |
Publication and Publicity Chair |
Steven Weber |
Drexel University, USA |
Workshop Chair |
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic |
Northwestern University, USA |
Student Workshop Chairs |
Philip Brighten Godfrey |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Chuanxiong Guo |
Microsoft Research Asia, China |
Olaf Maennel |
Loughborough University, UK |
Travel Grant Chair |
Tommaso Melodia |
State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, USA |
Web Chair |
Yan Shvartzshnaider |
NICTA, Australia |
TPC Members | Marco Ajmone Marsan | Politecnico di Torino and IMDEA Networks |
| Giuseppe Bianchi | University of Rome "Tor Vergata" |
| Holger Boche | Technical University of Berlin |
| Randy Bush | Internet Initiative Japan |
| John Byers | Boston University |
| Augustin Chaintreau | Technicolor |
| Dah Ming Chiu | The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
| Mark Crovella | Boston University |
| Marcelo Dias de Amorim | CNRS, France |
| Constantine Dovrolis | Georgia Institute of Technology |
| Andrzej Duda | Grenoble Informatics Laboratory |
| Serge Fdida | UPMC Paris Universitas |
| Anja Feldmann | TU-Berlin |
| Christina Fragouli | EPFL |
| Timur Friedman | UPMC Paris Universitas and CNRS |
| Paolo Giaccone | Politecnico di Torino |
| Carmen Guerrero | University Carlos III of Madrid |
| Urs Hengartner | University of Waterloo |
| Peter Key | Microsoft Research |
| Srikanth Krishnamurthy | University of California, Riverside |
| Nikolaos Laoutaris | Telefonica Research |
| Baochun Li | University of Toronto |
| Steven Low | California Institute of Technology |
| Eng Keong Lua | Science Centre, Singapore |
| John C.S. Lui | Chinese University of Hong Kong |
| Olaf Maennel | Loughborough University |
| Bruce Maggs | Duke University and Akamai Technologies |
| Ratul Mahajan | Microsoft Research |
| Cecilia Mascolo | University of Cambridge |
| Laurent Massoulie | Technicolor |
| Michael Mitzenmacher | Harvard University |
| Andrew W. Moore | University of Cambridge |
| T. S. Eugene Ng | Rice University |
| Ariel Orda | Technion |
| Max Ott | NICTA |
| Alexandre Proutiere | Microsft Research, Cambridge |
| Konstantina Papagiannaki | Intel Labs, Pittsburgh |
| Vasileios Pappas | IBM Research |
| Guy Pujolle | UPMC Paris Universitas |
| Bozidar Radunovic | Microsoft Research |
| Luigi Rizzo | Universita` di Pisa |
| Pablo Rodriguez | Telefonica Research |
| Catherine Rosenberg | University of Waterloo |
| K. K. Ramakrishnan | AT&T Labs-Research |
| June-Koo Kevin Rhee | KAIST, Korea |
| Sambit Sahu | IBM Research |
| Sanjay Shakkottai | The University of Texas at Austin |
| Renata Teixeira | CNRS, France |
| Patrick Thiran | EPFL |
| Sebastien Tixeuil | UPMC Paris Universitas |
| Danny Tsang | HKUST |
| Steve Uhlig | TU Berlin/T-labs |
| Kobus van der Merwe | AT&T Labs - Research |
| Jia Wang | AT&T Labs - Research |
| Klaus Wehrle | RWTH Aachen University |
| Gordon Wilfong | Bell Laboratories |
| Petros Zerfos | IBM Research |