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CSWS 2012 Proceedings

Bob Briscoe, Mirja Kühlewind, Dirk Kutscher (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2012 Capacity Sharing Workshop, CSWS'12, (co-located with CoNEXT'12) December 10, 2012, Nice, France. ACM 2012, ISBN 978-1-4503-1780-1.

Table of Contents

ACM CoNEXT 2012 Capacity Sharing Workshop Chairs' Welcome
Bob Briscoe (BT Research & Technology)
Mirja Kühlewind (University of Stuttgart)
Dirk Kutscher (NEC Laboratories Europe)

Capacity Sharing Workshop (CSWS'12) Organization

CSWS 2012 Author Index

Keynote Address

Invited Talk

Session: Capacity Sharing Architecture

Session: Application-specific Traffic

Session: Transport Layer Approaches


Keynote Address
Session Chair: Dirk Kutscher (NEC Laboratories Europe)


Applying Abstraction for a More Efficient and Fair Network Usage (Page 1)
Diego R. Lopez (Telefonica I+D)

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Session: Capacity Sharing Architecture
Session Chair: Gorry Fairhurst (University of Aberdeen)


Mercado: Using Market Principles to Drive Alternative Network Service Abstractions (Page 3)
Xu Chen (AT&T Labs - Research)
Jeffrey Erman (AT&T Labs - Research)
Seungjoon Lee (AT&T Labs - Research)
Jacobus Van der Merwe (University of Utah)


A First Look at Multi-Access Connectivity for Mobile Networking (Page 9)
Philipp S. Schmidt (Telekom Innovation Laboratories & TU Berlin)
Ruben Merz (Swisscom)
Anja Feldmann (Telekom Innovation Laboratories & TU Berlin)


On Flow Concurrency in the Internet and Its Implications for Capacity Sharing (Page 15)
Brian Trammell (ETH Zurich)
Dominik Schatzmann (ETH Zurich)


AIMD and CCN: Past and Novel Acronyms Working Together in the Future Internet (Page 21)
Damien Saucez (Inria)
Luigi Alfredo Grieco (Politecnico di Bari)
Chadi Barakat (Inria)

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Session: Transport Layer Approaches
Session Chair: Mirja Kühlewind (University of Stuttgart, IKR)


ConEx Based QoE Feedback to Enhance QoS (Page 27)
Meral Shirazipour (Ericsson Research)
Gregory Charlot (Ecole Polytechnique)
Geoffrey Lefebvre (Ericsson Research)
Suresh Krishnan (Ericsson Research)
Samuel Pierre (Ecole Polytechnique)


Reducing Server and Network Load with Shared Buffering (Page 33)
Somaya Arianfar (Aalto University)
Pasi Sarolahti (Aalto University)
Jörg Ott (Aalto University)


Enhancing TCP to Support Rate-Limited Traffic (Page 39)
Arjuna Sathiaseelan (University of Aberdeen)
Raffaello Secchi (University of Aberdeen)
Godred Fairhurst (University of Aberdeen)

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Invited Talk
Session Chair: Dirk Kutscher (NEC Laboratories Europe)


Can Congestion-Controlled Interactive Multimedia Traffic Co-Exist with TCP? (Page 45)
Colin Perkins (University of Glasgow)

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Session: Application-specific Traffic
Session Chair: Brian Trammell (ETH Zürich)


Resource Allocation in Underprovisioned Multioverlay Live Video Sharing Services (Page 47)
Jiayi Liu (Telecom Bretagne)
Shakeel Ahmad (De Montfort University)
Eliya Buyukkaya (Telecom Bretagne)
Raouf Hamzaoui (De Montfort University)
Gwendal Simon (Telecom Bretagne)


Demand-Aware Flow Allocation in Data Center Networks (Page 53)
Dmitriy Kuptsov (Aalto University & HIIT)
Boris Nechaev (Aalto University & HIIT)
Andrei Gurtov (University of Oulu & CWC)