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e-Proceedings Index
CoNEXT 2012
CoNEXT Student 2012 Workshop
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CoNEXT Student 2012 Workshop Author Index
Aben, Emile
Gaining Insight into AS-Level Outages through Analysis of Internet Background Radiation (Page 63)
Ascigil, Onur
Implications of Source Routing (Page 11)
Ashwood-Smith, Peter
Source Routed Forwarding with Software Defined Control, Considerations and Implications (Page 43)
Bao, Jie
Dissecting Foursquare Venue Popularity via Random Region Sampling (Page 21)
Barakat, Chadi
Chkdiff: Checking Traffic Differentiation at Internet Access (Page 57)
Benson, Karyn
Bermond, Jean-Claude
Diverse Routing in Networks with Star SRLGs (Page 23)
Beschastnikh, Ivan
Inferring Networked System Models from Behavior Traces (Page 13)
Biersack, Ernst W.
How to Prevent AS Hijacking Attacks (Page 29)
Bourgeau, Thomas
Toward Fast and Efficient IP-level Network Topology Capture (Page 5)
Bozakov, Zdravko
AutoSlice: Automated and Scalable Slicing for Software-Defined Networks (Page 3)
Broadbent, Matthew
OpenCache: Exploring Efficient and Transparent Content Delivery Mechanisms for Video-on-Demand (Page 15)
Cai, Hao
Specification and Composition of Network Services in Future Internet Architectures (Page 45)
Calvert, Ken
Carle, Georg
Chandrashekar, Jaideep
Automated Home Network Troubleshooting with Device Collaboration (Page 61)
Charousset, Dominik
Actors and Publish/Subscribe: an Efficient Approach to Scalable Distribution in Data Centers (Page 53)
Chen, Hongyi
Who Is More Reliable? An Evaluation Method for Distributed-Memory Aggregation in the Internet (Page 41)
Chen, Xinming
Choffnes, David
Meddle: Middleboxes for Increased Transparency and Control of Mobile Traffic (Page 65)
claffy, kc
Costa, Paolo
Chairs' Welcome
Coudert, David
Crowcroft, Jon
Evolving TCP. How Hard Can It Be? (Page 35)
Dabbous, Walid
A Multi-Platform Event-Driven Controller for Network Experiments (Page 37)
Dainotti, Alberto
D'Angelo, Gianlorenzo
de Oliveira, Jaudelice C.
Decoupling BGP Policy from Routing with Programmable Reactive Policy Control (Page 47)
Ding, Aaron Yi
Enabling Energy-Aware Mobile Data Offloading for Smartphones Through Vertical Collaboration (Page 27)
Dwaraki, Abhishek
Fayed, Marwan
Distributed k-Core Decomposition of Dynamic Graphs (Page 39)
Francis, Paul
Reactions on Advice Given by Others on the Business of Becoming a Researcher (Page 31)
Friedman, Timur
Gabielkov, Maksym
The Complete Picture of the Twitter Social Graph (Page 19)
Gong, Yixi
Interaction or Interference: Can AQM and Low Priority Congestion Control Successfully Collaborate? (Page 25)
Gugelmann, David
AFR: Automatic Multi-Stage Forensic Data Retrieval (Page 9)
Hand, Steven
Hu, Wenjun
Smooth Transmission Over Unsynchronized VLC Links (Page 51)
Huang, Bin
Hui, Pan
Optimal Storage Allocation for Road Side Unit Aided Vehicular Mobile Content Dissemination (Page 67)
Jakma, Paul
Jiang, Junchen
Deadline-Aware Data Plane for Internet Video (Page 55)
Jin, Depeng
Joumblatt, Diana
Kojo, Markku
Krishnamurthy, Arvind
Lambadaris, Ioannis
Legout, Arnaud
Lenders, Vincent
Li, Tao
Li, Yanhua
Li, Yong
Madhavapeddy, Anil
Mao, Xilong
Mendonca, Marc
The Case for Software-Defined Networking in Heterogeneous Networked Environments (Page 59)
Meyer, Sebastian
Exploring Reachability via Settlement-Free Peering (Page 49)
Moataz, Fatima Zahra
Moncaster, Toby
Moulierac, Joanna
Xcast6 Treemap Islands - Revisiting Multicast Model (Page 33)
Nabi, Zubair
Nandy, Biswajit
Obraczka, Katia
Oliveira, Eduardo Mucelli Rezende
From Your Routine to Hotspot Deployment for Data Offloading (Page 17)
Orczyk, Marcin
Papadimitriou, Panagiotis
Papagiannaki, Konstantina
10 Years in the Making: A Retrospective to a Research Career (Page 1)
Perkins, Colin
Phan, Truong Khoa
Pu, Qifan
Quereilhac, Alina
Race, Nicholas
Rao, Ashwin
Ravaioli, Riccardo
Ren, Wenyu
Rossi, Dario
Schatzmann, Dominik
Schlamp, Johann
Schmidt, Thomas C.
Sekar, Vyas
Sherry, Justine
Soliman, Mourad
Steiner, Moritz
Sun, Zhigang
Täht, Dave
Tarkoma, Sasu
Teixeira, Renata
Testa, Claudio
Thai, Peter W.
Thoai, Nam
Tran, Cuong Ngoc
Turletti, Thierry
Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume
Valenti, Silvio
Viana, Aline Carneiro
Wählisch, Matthias
Wang, Limin
Wolf, Tilman
Wustner, Stéphane
Zappaterra, Luca
QoS-Driven Channel Selection for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks (Page 7)
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, Zhi-Li