UrbaNe Workshop @ ACM CoNEXT 2012

December 10, 2012
Nice, France

ACM CoNEXT 2012WorkshopsUrbaNeOverview

UrbaNe Workshop @ ACM CoNEXT 2012



The urbanization of society continues to increase: in 2009, the fraction of world population living in urban areas was above 50% (more than 75% in developed countries). It is forecasted that another 10% of the world population will move to metropolitan regions within the next 15 years, leading us into the so-called “urban millennium”.

The scale and the pace that characterize the phenomenon of urbanization raise evident questions on its sustainability. For metropolitan areas to be able to accommodate the current population growth rate and avoid the risk of creating “urban wastelands”, the overall management of city resources has to be reconsidered for greater efficiency (and possibly fairness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are expected to play a key role in such a process, their capillary integration in urban environments giving birth to “smart/digital cities”.

This digital dimension has the potential to positively impact all aspects of metropolitan life. For example “urban sensing” is envisioned to enable a fine-grained yet pervasive monitoring of critical factors in large urban areas, so that more reliable statistics can be built or rapid reactions can be triggered. The pollution level, road traffic status, public transport utilization, sudden danger situations in buildings or on streets, resources (e.g., energy, water, gas) usage are among the targets of urban sensing. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will enable improved human mobility in urban areas, by reducing travel times and improving road safety through networked vehicles. Smart grids will enhance the reliability, efficiency and safety of energy distribution as well as its conservation, through integrated metering and data communication. 4G cellular systems in urban areas will heavily rely on opportunistic offloading to deliver high quality audio, video and data. New networking challenges emerge from each of the aforementioned use cases and the geo-location of all these services on a (restricted) common urban space calls for the sharing of capillary infrastructure.

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to promote the discussion on networking solutions for upcoming smart/digital cities. It aims at fostering the debate among participants on (i) the identification of the urban features that are the most critical to networking, (ii) the definition and the classification of networking challenges deriving from such features, and (iii) the proposal of original network solutions that can cope with these challenges.

Key Note and Invited Speakers

Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors

INRIA INRIA logo, IMU IMU logo, and Orange Orange,

UrbaNe’12 will feature the following invited talks:

Important dates

Abstract submission (extended) July 27, 2012 (old: July 13, 2012)
Paper submission August 3, 2012 (old: July 20, 2012)
Acceptance notification September 17, 2012
Camera readyOctober 12, 2012
Workshop dateDecember 10, 2012


Workshop Co-Chairs Marco Fiore INSA Lyon and INRIA UrbaNet, France
  Catherine Rosenberg University of Waterloo, Canada