Call for Papers
The 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking (APNet’24) aims to bring together the very best researchers in computer networking and systems across the Asia-Pacific region and around the globe to a live forum discussing innovative ideas at their early stages. The mission of APNet is that promising but not-yet-mature ideas can receive timely feedback from the community and experienced researchers, leading them into publications at major conferences such as SIGCOMM, NSDI, SOSP, OSDI, MobiCom, and CoNEXT.
We invite submissions of short papers (up to 6 pages, excluding references) on a wide range of networking research, including, but not limited to:
- Network architectures and algorithms
- Cloud and wide-area networking systems & infrastructure
- Networking for Machine Learning and Machine Learning for Networking
- Operating system support for networking
- High-speed networking and applications
- Domain-specific networks including datacenter, storage, intra-host networks, etc.
- SDN, NFV, and network programming
- Networking hardware design and application
- Network measurement, monitoring, diagnosis, and operations
- Formal methods and network verification
- Network security and privacy, censorship, transparency
- Network, transport, and application-layer protocols
- Resource management, QoS, and signaling
- Routing, traffic engineering, switching, and addressing
- Wireless, mobile, and sensor networking
- Programmable End Host (e.g., eBPF, SmartNics)
The APNet Program Committee will select papers based on novelty, significance, and technical merit, rather than completeness. Innovative well-reasoned ideas with preliminary evaluations will suffice for APNet. We hope that the extension of APNet papers, when substantiated by solid implementation and experimentation, can be published at the aforementioned premier conferences.
Submission Instructions is open now.
Submissions must be no longer than 6 pages (10 point font, 12 point leading, 7 inch by 9.25 inch text block) including all content except references. Papers must be formatted for printing on Letter-sized (8.5” by 11”) paper. Paper text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double-column, with each column 9.25” by 3.33”, 0.33” space between columns. Each column must use 10-point font or larger, and contain no more than 55 lines of text. All submissions must be double-blind: submissions must not indicate the names or affiliations of the authors in the paper. Only electronic submissions in PDF will be accepted. Submissions must be written in English, render without error using standard tools (e.g., Acrobat Reader). Papers must contain novel ideas and must differ significantly in content from previously published papers and papers under simultaneous submission (e.g., the extension of APNet submission with complete implementation/experiments may be submitted simultaneously elsewhere). If you are using LaTeX, you may make use of this template for ACM conference proceedings. With the older versions of this template you *must add “10pt” to the documentclass command to meet the submission requirements. The current template sets 10pt by default. (Unlike the official template, it only includes example for conference proceedings.)
Important dates
Abstract registration
March 8 (Friday) (Anywhere on Earth)
Paper submission
March 15 (Friday) (Anywhere on Earth)
Notification of decision
April 26 (Friday)
Workshop dates
August 3-4
Camera-Ready Instructions
Please note any change in title or authorship must be APPROVED BY the PC CHAIRS. This is to ensure that our publication accurately reflects any updates.
The page limit for the final paper is 6 pages, excluding references. For the final paper, please use the official ACM Article template, and make sure to use 9 pt font. Please do NOT use copies of these templates that you might find elsewhere since we cannot be sure that those are compliant.
As described on the above template webpage, the authors should provide proper indexing information in the final version according to the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). More information about the ACM CCS is available at ACM CCS website.
The authors must insert the correct rights management text and bibliographic strip into the final paper. The ACM will use its automated system to email this information to the authors. Please set your email spam settings to allow messages from "". For papers that are conditionally accepted with shepherding, the copyright forms will be available after the shepherding outcome.
If you have any questions about the camera-ready process, feel free to contact APNET 2024 publication chair Jinbin Hu.