Guidelines for HotNets-I (2002) 
Student Travel Grant Applicants
  1. The attendees of this invitation-only workshop will total approximately 60, consisting of: one author per accepted paper, a smaller number of invited participants, the conference committee, and some additional students who will be funded using this grant.  Some students who receive the grant will be co-authors of accepted papers, some will be authors of other submissions, and a few students may not have even submitted to the workshop but have relevant interests.  

  2. Who may apply:  This travel grant is generously supported by NSF, and applies only to graduate students attending a US-based institution.  We encourage students to apply who would otherwise be unable to attend, and we encourage participation of women and under-represented minorities.  If you receive this travel grant, then you are automatically invited to the workshop.
  3. Required documents: (1) the student's vita, (2) a short letter from the student, and (3) a short letter from the student's advisor.
  4. September  15, 2002, 23:59 EDT, is the HARD deadline. Late applications will not be considered. Email applications to The vita  should be in ASCII, PostScript, or PDF  *ONLY*. Other formats will be IGNORED. Supporting letters should be in ASCII.

    Decision notification will be sent out by September 25, 2002.  And acceptance should be confirmed by Sept 30.

  5. Please provide complete contact information. We will need to have your current mailing address, so that if you receive a stipend, your check will reach you in a timely manner.  You will be notified via email, so make sure your email address is correct on your application.
  6. Preference is given to: 
    1. students who have accepted papers at HotNets-I 
    2. students who submitted a paper to HotNets-I that was not accepted 
    3. other students whose primary area of research is aligned to the topics found in the HotNets-I program.
    Students from institutions not traditionally represented at HotNets-I will be given preference within the categories. Students whose advisors are unable to support them otherwise will be given priority. 
  7. The stipend will vary based on location. The expectation will be that it will cover air fare, hotel accommodation, and registration. In some cases it may not meet this goal but our desire is to maximize participation by students.
  8. How to Apply:  The short letter (a couple of paragraphs, in ASCII) from the student should include
    • a brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date;
    • a description of areas reflected in the workshop program that would impact the student's research; and 
    • why attendance at the workshop is important to this student.
    • Attach the student's vita.
    The short letter (a couple of paragraphs, in ASCII) from the faculty advisor should include
    • confirmation that the student is a PhD in good standing;
    • why the advisor believes the student would benefit from attendance at this workshop; and
    • the advisor's opinion about the strengths and potential contributions of the student.
  9. The decision on student travel grants is made by the HotNets-I Conference Committee (Chris Edmondson-Yurkanan, Larry Peterson, David Wetherall, and John Wroclawski). All decisions are final.
  10. We are also indebted to the sponsoring organizations of HotNets-I: ACM SIGCOMM and Intel Research, for their generous contributions that have enabled us to keep student registration affordable.

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