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Tenth ACM Workshop on


Hot Topics in Networks


November 14-15, 2011

Cambridge, MA

The HotNets workshop will be held at the MIT Faculty Club (50 Memorial Drive, Bldg. E52, 6th Floor, Cambridge, MA; directions from workshop hotels).

Workshop Program


Registration materials can be picked up at the MIT Faculty Club beginning at 8am on Monday.

8-9am: Breakfast

9-9:10am: Opening Remarks

9:10-10:40am: Network Architecture Chair: David Clark (MIT)

11-12:30pm: Wireless I (and Mobility) Chair: Sachin Katti (Stanford)

12:30-2pm: Lunch

2-3:30pm: Routing and Energy Chair: Brighten Godfrey (UIUC)

4-5:30pm: Security Chair: David G. Andersen (CMU)

6-8pm: Reception at the Faculty Club


8-9am: Breakfast

9-10:30am: Anonymity and Privacy Chair: Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS)

11-12:30pm: Wireless II Chair: Brad Karp (UCL)

12:30-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-3:00pm: Protocols Chair: Arvind Krishnamurthy (UW)

3:30-5:00pm: Cloud computing and Data Centers Chair: Aditya Akella (UW-Madison)