Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2010
Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM and ACM SIGMETRICS in cooperation with USENIX and
November 1 - 3, 2010
Melbourne, Australia

The tenth Internet Measurement Conference is a three day event focusing on Internet measurement and analysis, building on the success of past IMCs. We invite submissions of papers that contribute to our understanding of the Internet's structure and behavior, as well as methods to collect or analyze Internet measurements. Examples of relevant topics are:

Papers that do not in some fashion relate to measuring Internet properties are out of scope. Authors can contact the Program Chair at for clarification if they are unsure whether their paper is in scope.

Ethical standards for measurement must be considered by all IMC authors. In particular, authors must be aware of and conform to acceptable use policies for individual domains that are probed or monitored, data privacy and anonymity for all personally identifiable information, and etiquette for using shared measurement data (see Allman and Paxson, IMC '07). If applicable, authors are also urged to notify parties of security flaws in their products or services in advance of publication. Adherence to ethical standards for measurement will be a criteria for all submissions and violations---including ambiguous situations not well described---will be grounds for rejection.

Submission Guidelines
There are two forms of submissions:

  1. Full papers (up to 14 two-column pages) describing original research, with succinctness appropriate to the topics and themes they discuss.
  2. Short papers (up to 6 two-column pages for text and figures + 1 page for references) conveying work that is less mature but shows promise, articulating a high-level vision, describing challenging future directions, critiquing current measurement wisdom or offering results that do not merit a full submission. Short papers will be subject to a 7-page limit in the Proceedings (with the last page for references only).

    Note: Previous IMCs have utilized a "reject to short" notion whereby full paper submissions have been accepted as short papers. IMC 2010 will not be using this procedure. Any submission longer than allowed by the above short guidelines will be considered a full paper.

    Note: Authors are encouraged to think carefully about whether to submit a full or short paper. In the past there have been many instances whereby a full submission has been found to be lacking enough technical contribution for a full paper, but for which the PC finds an interesting portion of the paper that would have been a very nice contribution as a short paper.

Submissions must be in electronic form, as PDF documents. The submission must conform to the page limits stated above, and with text written in at least a 10-point font (Fonts used in Figures etc should be no smaller than 9 pt) satisfying the requirements specified below.

The sig-alternate-10pt.cls style file should satisfy these requirements.

All manuscripts must be in English and do not need to be anonymized. Submissions that do not comply with these requirements will not be read.

Important dates

The paper submission system is now available.

To encourage broader data sharing in the community, the conference will present a best paper award for the top paper that makes its data sets publically available by the time of camera ready submission. For example, wireless-network data sets may be published through CRAWDAD. Authors that would like their paper to be considered for this award should add a footnote on the first page of their submission (and indicate this by selecting the appropriate button on the paper registration/submission page).

A limited number of travel grants may be available to students who are unable to secure funding from their advisors.

Program Chair
Mark Allman, ICSI

Program Committee
Chadi Barakat, INRIA
Paul Barford, University of Wisconsin
Rob Beverly, Naval Postgraduate School
Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan
Mark Crovella, Boston University
Anja Feldmann, Deutsche Telekom Laboratory/TU Berlin
Saikat Guha, Microsoft Research
Krishna Gummadi, MPI-SWS
Minaxi Gupta, Indiana University
Thomas Karagiannis, Microsoft Research
Ramana Kompella, Purdue University
Christian Kreibich, ICSI
Balachander Krishnamurthy, AT&T Labs--Research
Simon Leinen, SWITCH
Olaf Maennel, Loughborough University
Ratul Mahajan, Microsoft Research
Jelena Mirkovic, USC/ISI
Craig Partridge, Raytheon BBN Technologies
Michael Rabinovich, Case Western Reserve University
Pablo Rodriguez, Telefonica Research
Rob Sherwood, Deutsche Telekom Inc. R&D Lab
Nina Taft, Intel Labs
Walter Willinger, AT&T Labs--Research

IMC Steering Committee
Paul Barford, University of Wisconsin
Chen-Nee Chuah, University of California - Davis
Renata Teixeira, CNRS and UPMC Paris Universitas

Local Arrangements Chairs
Darryl Veitch, University of Melbourne, Australia

Technical Support
Tom Callahan, Case Western Reserve University