SIGCOMM 95 Middleware Workshop
Distributed Objects and Procedures
Aug. 29, 1995
John A. Zinky
BBN Systems and Technologies
Cambridge, Mass.
2) Collaborative Planning For Crisis Management Foreshadows the Complexities of Future MIS Systems
See IEEE Expert Feb 1995 "ARPA-ROME Planning Initiative"
3) Its Unique Characteristics Challenge Both Functional and System Properties of Middleware
* Not a supercomputer
* Not client/server
* Beyond workflow (not assembly line)
* Really a knowledge flow system
* Continuos Rapid Prototype-style development
* Uses multiple types of middleware to glue together legacy systems
* Must work over diverse set of resources (Kb to Gb)
* Must work under crisis workloads
* Must be deployable
4) System Issues Dominate the task of Creating Large Distributed Applications
* CORBA is a framework for exchanging information between heterogeneous distributed computing systems.,
* CORBA solves the functional problems of distributed computing, but does not mandate a specific implementations.
* Few Research issues remain , mostly engineering issues.
* CORBA does not address the systems issues involved in Distributed Computing. (Performance, Availability,Security)
* Many System-related research issue remain and CORBA is the best available architectural building block for testing out ideas.
* The main research questions are:
* "How to characterize the system requirement of applications"
* "How to characterize the system properties of a mechanism"
* "How to use the appropriate mechanism for a given situation"
5) The QuO Project Bridges the Abstraction Gap Between
Socket-Based QoS and Object-Level Programming
* QuO is general framework support for experimenting with system issues in distributed computing.
* Augment CORBA's functional Interface Description Language (IDL) with a QoS Description Language (QDL)
* Application handlers adapt to changing system resources and partial failures.
* Applications opens a connections to an object, which is has QoS regions (states) of operation.
* Application can have multiple connections to an object, each with different system properties.
* QuO can integrate mechanisms different system properties to allow an application to adapt to changing conditions.
6) Collaborative Planning Applications Have
a Spectrum of Usage Patterns and QoS Requirements
7) Many Mechanisms Give the Correct Functional Solution,
But Are Appropriate for a Small Set of System Properties
8) CORBA is a Framework for Distributing Objects and Can Support Many Different Styles of Implementations
9) Using Smart Proxy Objects Effectively Smears the Functionality of a Distributed Object Over the Network
10) Example: In-Cache Using Corba to Define the Interface
11) System issues for Longevity and Mobility
* Location: who should be responsible for finding an objects state.
* Interface Specification: What format is used to talk to an object.
* Interface Version: What happens when an interface changes.
* Performance over time: How do mechanism change as the system evolves over time.