For a WHALE of a good time
for your enjoyment
(drum roll)
THURS Sept 3rd
6-7 p.m.
(before dinner)
so please RSVP to
to present YOUR latest and
greatest fish story or
Turing-award idea
in four minutes
(sorry - no patents pending)
We promise not to harpoon you!
Shawn Ostermann's Outrageous Opinion is here
Read further for a little history of this recent addition to the SIGCOMM
1995 (Boston) Kick-off event
described as "...there will
be an Outrageous Opinions Session where you
can participate or listen
to ideas that may be outrageous today, but
perhaps reality tomorrow...."
Hosted by Bruce Davie, packed
room, lots of opinions,
lots of "ATM vs Big-I".
Both serious and funny.
1996 (Stanford) Conference social focus was on GREAT WINE,
so no time for Outrageous
Opinions Session.....
1997 (Cannes) Renewed interest, albeit "watered down"...
described as "....Volunteer speakers will be allowed to defend outrageous
opinions seated on the pool diving board ... An open bar will help
unfortunate speakers to recover, and audience to warm up."
Hosted by Chase Bailey, great fun - some speakers actually ran into
the Mediterranean! The audience voted that ALL needed to go for a dip;
Mary Baker was most funny & serious at the same time.
1998 (Vancouver) .... <YOUR NAME HERE> ....
Better yet, send me email and volunteer... Send name and topic;
Remember the old saying, "the early bird/whale/volunteer gets the