MobiArch '08

An ACM SIGCOMM 2008 workshop

MobiArch '08 — The 3rd ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture

The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to MobiArch '08, co-located with ACM SIGCOMM 2008 in Seattle, WA, USA.

Call for Papers

Recent developments in wireless access technologies and mobile devices are beginning to make widespread user, terminal and network mobility a reality in the commercial Internet. At the same time, the Internet architecture struggles to incorporate the functionality that will sustain this increasingly more mobile and more dynamic Internet use. Efficient mobility management and mobility optimizations, locator-identifier splits, multihoming, security and related network operation and management functions are still in the early stages of development. It is, however, already clear that supporting widespread mobility poses to significantly impact the original end-to-end design of the Internet.

At the same time, critical momentum is building to significantly revise or even replace the current Internet architecture. Several substantial Future Internet initiatives have started in Europe, the US and Asia, and the topic is also actively being discussed in the vendor and network operator communities. These Future Internet efforts offer the exciting opportunity to design radically different approaches to supporting host and network mobility and multihoming, and may eventually lead to an internetwork architecture with significantly more advanced mobility features than those that the piecemeal extensions of the current Internet protocols result in.

MobiArch'08 welcomes submissions from both researchers and practitioners that explore recent advances in architectures, protocols and emerging technologies to enable mobility and multihoming in the Internet, as well as concepts and designs to support widespread mobility and multihoming in future internetworks. Early results, position papers, systems and measurement papers are particularly welcome.


MobiArch'08 covers all aspects related to mobility in the current and future Internet, including, but not limited to:

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be no longer than six pages, including all figures and references, must be in PDF format, and must follow the ACM formatting guidelines. Submissions that do not adhere to these requirements will be rejected without further review.

Peer review is single-blind; the authors names and affiliations are to be included on the submission. Submissions cannot be previously published or be under concurrent review elsewhere. The submission of position papers is encouraged; please clearly identify position papers as such when submitting.

Papers may be submitted at

Important Dates

Registration of paper abstractExtended to March 31, 2008
Submissions dueExtended to March 31, 2008
Notification of acceptanceMay 9, 2008
Camera ready version dueJune 6, 2008
Workshop dateAugust 22, 2008

Program Committee

PC Chairs Lars Eggert Nokia Research Center, FI
  Linda Doyle Trinity College, IE
PC Members Rui Aguiar Universidade de Aveiro, PT
  Bengt Ahlgren Swedish Institute of Computer Science, SE
  Jari Arkko Ericsson, FI
  Marcelo Bagnulo University Carlos III of Madrid, ES
  Olivier Bonaventure Université Catholique de Louvain, BE
  Wesley Eddy NASA/Verizon, US
  Joseph Evans University of Kansas, US
  Ted Faber USC Information Sciences Institute, US
  Stephen Hailes University College London, UK
  Roger Karrer T-Labs, DE
  Rajeev Koodli Starent Networks, US
  Donal O'Mahony Trinity College, IE
  Jörg Ott Helsinki University of Technology, FI
  Guru Parulkar Stanford University, US
  Dipankar Raychaudhuri Rutgers University, US
  Dave Thaler Microsoft, US
  Ryuji Wakikawa Keio University, JP
  Klaus Wehrle RWTH Aachen University, DE
  Lixia Zhang UCLA, US
Steering Committee Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge, UK
  Xiaoming Fu University of Göttingen, DE
  Katherine Guo Bell Labs, US
  Henning Schulzrinne Columbia University, US