The ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Workshop on Future Human-Centric Multimedia Networking (FhMN 2013)
LT7 (2/F), Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Friday, August 16, 2013
Technical Program
Andreas Mauthe (Lancaster University), Marilia Curado (University of Coimbra) and Eng Keong Lua (Monash University)
Information Centric Networking for Media Distribution: Will it Blend?
David Oran (Cisco Systems)
Human-centric Music Medical Therapy Exploration System
Baixi Xing, Kejun Zhang, Lekai Zhang (Zhejiang University), Eng Keong Lua (Monash University) and Shouqian Sun (Zhejiang University)
Downton Abbey without the Hiccups: Buffer-based Rate Adaptation for HTTP Video Streaming
Te-Yuan Huang, Ramesh Johari and Nick McKeown (Stanford University)
Towards Network-wide QoE Fairness using OpenFlow-assisted Adaptive Video Streaming
Panagiotis Georgopoulos, Yehia Elkhatib, Matthew Broadbent, Mu Mu and Nicholas Race (Lancaster University)
Experimental Investigation of the Google Congestion Control for Real-Time Flows
Luca De Cicco, Gaetano Carlucci and Saverio Mascolo (Politecnico di Bari)
AdapComm: A Bandwidth Allocation Methodology for Multimedia Applications in Wireless Networks
Roshan Thapliya and Chaoxin Hu (Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.)
A Fixed-Point Model for QoE-based Charging
Peter Reichl (University of Vienna), Patrick Maille (Institut Mines-Telecom / Telecom Bretagne), Patrick Zwickl and Andreas Sackl (FTW Telecommunications Research Center Vienna)
User Cooperative Mobility for Better Multimedia Communication Quality
Tutomu Murase (NEC Laboratories)
Towards Human-centric Personalized Expertise Ranking in Community-based Question Answering
Yang Sikun (Beijing Jiaotong University), Eng Keong Lua (Monash University) and Yizhi Wang (Beijing Jiaotong University
How Disorder Impacts Routing in Human-Centric Disruption Tolerant Networks
Anh Dung Nguyen (ISAE-University of Toulouse), Patrick Senac (ISAE) and Michel Diaz (LAAS CNRS)
Empowering the Creative User: Personalized HTTP-based Adaptive Streaming of Multi-path Nonlinear Video
Vengatanathan Krishnamoorthi, Patrik Bergstrom, Niklas Carlsson (Linköping University), Derek Eager (University of Saskatchewan), Anirban Mahanti (NICTA) and Nahid Shahmehri (Linköping University)
Do We Really Have to Consider the Human Factor in Networking?
Andreas Mauthe (Lancaster University) and Edmundo Monteiro (University of Coimbra)
In recent years real-time multimedia services have been changing the way we communicate, they are expected to be among the most important application areas of the Future Internet. User demand for multimedia services with stringent timing and usability requirements providing access anywhere, anytime and from any device are creating new challenges for research as well as industry. It is expected that multimedia services alone will account for over 90% of all consumer network traffic in the coming years. This is driven by the explosive growth in users sharing multimedia content over the Internet and more and more communication services integrating video, audio, text and images to enhance interpersonal communication. In order to support this, novel network, application, monitoring, measurement, optimization, and storage approaches must be created. These have to put the human users and their requirements at the heart of the system and operations in order to provide truly human-centric multimedia systems and services. By doing so, they need to overcome the historic divide between HCI approaches and purely techno-centric systems.
The objective of The ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Workshop on Future Human-centric Multimedia Networking (FhMN 2013) is to discuss state-of-the-art research and development activities contributing to all aspects of human-centric multimedia systems and networking. Following its success in the last four workshops, this Fifth Workshop’s theme is “Supporting Human-Centric Multimedia Networking”, and should provide a platform to present and discuss relevant research and development aspects related to user-centric applications and multimedia communication.
Topics of Interest
- Social multimedia networking
- Future Internet architectures for human-centric multimedia networking
- Emerging human-centric multimedia services and applications (gaming, 3D video, surveillance, sensing)
- Context awareness and human-computer confluence
- Information and story centric networking
- Novel human-centric network management and provisioning
- Human-centric multimedia search and retrieval
- Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics and optimization
- Ethical issues in multimedia surveillance and Internet monitoring - systems and algorithms for safeguarding of information
Submission Instructions
FhMN 2013 accepts original submissions which are not under review, or published at, previous workshops, conferences, or journals. Submissions may not exceed 6 pages double column, including figures, tables, references, and appendices. Authors are required to use the ACM template for submissions:
All submissions will be evaluated via a single-blind review process: please include author names and affiliation in the submission. Register and submit your paper at
Paper Review and Publication
Consistent with standard practice, each submitted paper will receive rigorous peer reviewing. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance and clarity of presentation. Selection will be based on full papers. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. All accepted papers of the workshop are expected to be presented and will be published by ACM.
Important Dates
Paper Submissions Due:
March 25, 2013 (11:59 EST)
Acceptance Notification:
April 28, 2013
Camera Ready:
May 26, 2013
Workshop Date:
August 16, 2013
- General Chairs
Eduardo Cerqueira
Federal University of Para
Andreas Mauthe
Lancaster University
- General Co-Chairs
Marilia Curado
University of Coimbra
Mikołaj Leszczuk
AGH University of Science and Technology
- TPC Chairs
Fernando Boavida
University of Coimbra
Eng Keong Lua
Monash University
- Publicity Chairs
Antonio Pescape
University of Napoli Federico II
Anna Paulson
Kejun Zhang
Zhejiang University
- Technical Program Committee
Torsten Braun
University of Bern
Ruichuan Chen
Bell Labs - Alcatel-Lucent
Yang Chen
Duke University
Zhong Chen
Peking University
Olivier Fourmaux
University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris6) - LIP6
Lisandro Granville
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Volker Hilt
Bell Labs - Alcatel-Lucent
Henry Holtzman
MIT Media Labs
Yongfeng Huang
Tsinghua University
Luigi Iannone
Deutsche Telekom Laboratories
Yevgeni Koucheryavy
Tampere University of Technology
Dirk Kutscher
NEC Europe Labs
Franck Le
IBM Research
King-Shan Lui
University of Hong Kong
Paulo Mendes
SITILabs / University Lusofona
Edmundo Monteiro
University of Coimbra
Mu Mu
Lancaster University
Aki Nakao
University of Tokyo
Börje Ohlman
Ericsson Research
Zdzisław Papir
AGH University of Science and Technology
KyoungSoo Park
Ai-Chun Pang
National Taiwan University
Peter Pietzuch
Imperial College London
Thomas Plagemann
University of Oslo
Susana Sargento
University of Aveiro
Alberto E. Schaeffer-Filho
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Jacky Shen
Microsoft Research Asia
Steve Uhlig
Queen Mary, University of London
Zhaoyang Zhang
Zhejiang University
Yueting Zhuang
Zhejiang University