ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN)
LT1 (G/F), Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Friday, August 16, 2013
Technical Program
Nate Foster (Cornell University) and Rob Sherwood (Big Switch Networks)
The Beacon OpenFlow Controller
David Erickson (Stanford)
Exploiting Locality in Distributed SDN Control
Stefan Schmid (T-Labs & TU Berlin) and Jukka Suomela (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology)
Towards an Elastic Distributed SDN Controller
Advait Dixit (Purdue University), Fang Hao, Sarit Mukherjee, T.V. Lakshman (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent) and Ramana Kompella (Purdue University)
Best Paper Award
Cementing High Availability in OpenFlow with RuleBricks
Dan Williams and Hani Jamjoom (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Leveraging SDN Layering to Systematically Troubleshoot Networks
Brandon Heller (Stanford University), Colin Scott (UC Berkeley), Nick McKeown (Stanford University), Scott Shenker (ICSI / UC Berkeley), Andreas Wundsam (ICSI), Hongyi Zeng (Stanford University), Sam Whitlock (ICSI), Vimalkumar Jeyakumar, Nikhil Handigol (Stanford University), Murphy McCauley (UC Berkeley), Kyriakos Zarifis (USC) and Peyman Kazemian (Stanford University)
High-Fidelity Switch Models for Software-Defined Network Emulation
Danny Yuxing Huang, Kenneth Yocum and Alex C. Snoeren (University of California, San Diego)
Best Student Presentation Award
Fast, Accurate Simulation for SDN Prototyping
Mukta Gupta (University of Wisconsin), Joel Sommers (Colgate University) and Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin)
EtherPIPE: an Ethernet character device for network scripting
Yohei Kuga, Takeshi Matsuya (KEIO University), Hiroaki Hazeyama (NAIST), Kenjiro Cho (IIJ) and Osamu Nakamura (KEIO University)
Protocol Oblivious Forwarding: Unleash the Power of SDN through a Future-Proof Forwarding Plane
Haoyu Song (Huawei)
Incremental Consistent Updates
Naga Praveen Katta, Jennifer Rexford and David Walker (Princeton University)
HotSwap: Correct and Efficient Controller Upgrades for Software-Defined Networks
Laurent Vanbever, Joshua Reich, Theophilus Benson (Princeton), Nate Foster (Cornell) and Jennifer Rexford (Princeton)
CAP for Networks
Aurojit Panda, Colin Scott (UC Berkeley), Ali Ghodsi (UC Berkeley & KTH), Teemu Koponen (VMware) and Scott Shenker (ICSI & UC Berkeley)
Software Transactional Networking: Concurrent and Consistent Network Policy Composition
Marco Canini, Petr Kuznetsov, Dan Levin and Stefan Schmid (TU Berlin / T-Labs)
FatTire: Declarative Fault Tolerance for Software Defined Networks
Mark Reitblatt (Cornell), Marco Canini (TU Berlin / T-Labs), Arjun Guha and Nate Foster (Cornell)
Resource/Accuracy Tradeoffs in Software-Defined Measurement
Masoud Moshref, Minlan Yu and Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California)
Towards Secure and Dependable Software-Defined Networks
Diego Kreutz, Fernando M. V. Ramos and Paulo Verissimo (LaSIGE/FCUL)
A Balance of Power: Expressive, Analyzable Controller Programming
Tim Nelson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), Arjun Guha (Cornell University), Daniel J. Dougherty, Kathi Fisler (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) and Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
OF.CPP: Consistent Packet Processing for OpenFlow
Peter Perešíni, Maciej Kuźniar, Nedeljko Vasić (EPFL), Marco Canini (TU Berlin / T-Labs) and Dejan Kostić(Institute IMDEA Networks)
Enabling Fast, Dynamic Network Processing with ClickOS
Joao Martins, Mohamed Ahmed (NEC Europe Ltd.), Costin Raiciu (University Politehnica Bucharest) and Felipe Huici (NEC Europe Ltd.)
FlowTags: Enforcing Network-Wide Policies in the Presence of Dynamic Middlebox Actions
Seyed Kaveh Fayazbakhsh, Vyas Sekar (Stony Brook University), Minlan Yu (USC) and Jeff Mogul (HP Labs)
SoftRAN : Software Defined Radio Access Network
Aditya Gudipati, Daniel Perry (Stanford University), Li Erran Li (Bell Labs) and Sachin Katti (Stanford University)
The FlowAdapter: Enable Flexible Multi-Table Processing on Legacy Hardware
Heng Pan, Hongtao Guan, Junjie Liu (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Wanfu Ding, Chengyong Lin (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.) and Gaogang Xie (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Cheap Silicon: A Myth or Reality? Picking the Right Data Plane Hardware for Software Defined Networking
Gergely Pongrácz, Zoltán Turányi, László Molnár and Zoltán Lajos Kis (Ericsson)
Open Transport Switch - A Software Defined Networking Architecture for Transport Networks
Abhinava Sadasivarao, Sharfuddin Syed, Ping Pan, Chris Liou (Infinera Corporation), Andy Lake, Chin Guok and Inder Monga (Energy Sciences Network)
Software Defined Flow-Mapping for Scaling Virtualized Network Functions
Sharon Barkai, Proffesor Randy Katz, Dino Farinacci, and David Meyer
Global Network Modelling Based On Mininet Approach.
Vitaly Antonenko and Ruslan Smelyanskiy
Towards A Secure Controller Platform for OpenFlow Applications
Xitao Wen, Yan Chen, Chengchen Hu, Chao Shi and Yi Wang
Verifying Forwarding Plane Connectivity and Locating Link Failures using Static Rules in Software Defined Networks
Ulas C. Kozat, Guanfeng Liang and Koray Kokten
Time-based Updates in Software Defined Networks
Tal Mizrahi and Yoram Moses
FleXam: Flexible Sampling Extension for Monitoring and Security Applications in OpenFlow
Sajad Shirali-Shahreza and Yashar Ganjali
On Bringing Private Traffic into Public SDN Testbeds
Vasileios Kotronis, Dominik Schatzmann and Bernhard Ager
A Correct, Zero-Overhead Protocol for Network Updates
Rick McGeer
Automatic Failure Recovery for Software Defined Networks
Maciej Kuźniar, Peter Perešíni, Nedeljko Vasić, Marco Canini and Dejan Kostić
Towards Efficient Implementation of Packet Classifiers in SDN/OpenFlow
Kirill Kogan, Sergey I. Nikolenko, William Culhane, Patrick Eugster and Eddie Ruan
Attacking Software-Defined Networks: A First Feasibility Study
Seungwon Shin and Guofei Gu
Cardigan: Deploying a Distributed Routing Fabric
Jonathan P. Stringer, Qiang Fu, Christopher Lorier, Richard Nelson, and Christian E. Rothenberg
OpenFlow Vulnerability Assessment
Kevin Benton, L. Jean Camp and Chris Small
A Slick Control Plane for Network Middleboxes
Bilal Anwer, Theophilus Benson, Nick Feamster, Dave Levin and Jennifer Rexford
Software defined networking (SDN) refactors the relationship between network devices and the software that controls them. Opening up the interfaces to programming network hardware enables more flexible and predictable network control, and makes it easier to extend the network with new functionality. In recent years, a number of vendors have introduced development kits for programming their devices, and several commercial switches now support the OpenFlow standard. Researchers have proposed new applications that execute on top of a software defined network, including dynamic access control, server load balancing, energy-efficient networking, seamless client mobility, and virtual-machine migration. And deployments of software defined networks have appeared in experimental and production environments.
But despite the recent progress in this area, many important research questions remain: How do we design switches and programming interfaces that offer greater flexibility without compromising performance? How do we design software platforms for managing software defined networks? How do we design new applications that capitalize on the programmability of the network? How do we lower the barrier to creating, testing, and evaluating new applications? How do we transition existing networks? How can a software defined network interoperate with existing protocols and devices?
The goal of the HotSDN workshop is to explore recent research and developments related to software defined networks, to encourage broad interaction between industry and academia, and to help build a wider community to explore and realize the potential of software defined networks.
Topics of Interest
We encourage submission of both position papers and work-in-progress papers on software defined networking. We solicit previously unpublished work on topics including, but not limited to the following:- Applications of software defined networking to home, wireless, cellular, enterprise, data-center, and backbone networks
- Applications of software defined networking to network management, monitoring, security, etc.
- Virtual appliances (e.g., firewalls, intrusion detection systems, load balancers, etc.) built using software-defined networks
- Virtualization in software defined networks
- Switch designs for software defined networks
- Application programming interfaces for software defined networks
- Control and management software for software defined networks
- Programming languages, verification techniques, and tools for software defined networks
- Performance evaluation of switches and controllers for software defined networks
- Experiences deploying software defined networking technology and applications in operational networks
- Hybrid software defined networking approaches
- Transitioning existing networks to software defined networking
- Placement and factoring of software defined networking control logic
- Distributed systems abstractions for managing switches and controllers in software defined networks
Submission Instructions
Each submission must be a single PDF file no longer than six (6) pages in length (in two-column, 10-point format) including references, following the LaTeX style file. Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission site: Papers must include the author name and affiliation for single-blind peer reviewing by the program committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Publication at HotSDN is not intended to preclude later publication. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.
Important Dates
Paper registration:
March 18, 2013
Submissions due:
March 25, 2013
April 29, 2013
Camera ready versions due:
June 7, 2013
Workshop date:
August 16, 2013
- PC Co-Chairs
Nate Foster
Cornell University
Rob Sherwood
Big Switch Networks
- Technical Program Committee
Aditya Akella
University of Wisconsin
Marco Canini
TU Berlin / Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Martin Casado
Matt Davy
Tallac Networks
Nick Feamster
Georgia Institute of Technology
Anja Feldmann
TU Berlin / Telekom Innovation Laboratories
Nate Foster
Cornell University
Yashar Ganjali
University of Toronto
Brighten Godfrey
University of Illinois
Nikhil Handigol
Stanford University
Brandon Heller
Stanford University
Sachin Katti
Stanford University
Eric Keller
University of Colorado
Dejan Kostic
IMDEA Networks
Anil Madhavapeddy
University of Cambridge
Nick McKeown
Stanford University
Dave Meyer
Jen Rexford
Princeton University
Christian Esteve Rothenberg
Rob Sherwood
Big Switch
Ruslan Smeliansky
Moscow State University
Dave Ward
Minlan Yu
University of Southern California