ACM SIGCOMM 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Remote Participation Instructions

Overview: SIGCOMM’22 combines both a physical gathering alongside online participation. This page is intended to provide an overview of how to participate remotely.

Video Streaming: The SIGCOMM’22 main track will be live streamed via Zoom. We recommend that participants download the Zoom client prior to the conference. There will be a single Zoom room for the main track (this will be shared directly with registrants). Participants can simply join this to view the main track presentations. The full list of Zoom rooms will be shared directly with online registrants via email.

Interaction and Q&A: Remote interaction will be underpinned by the SIGCOMM Slack Workspace. We encourage participants to make extensive use of Slack to engage with each other. Q&A for each presentation will also be managed via Slack. At the end of each paper presentation, the session chair will invite questions. Online participants can input their questions to the sigcomm22-main Slack channel. This channel can also be used for wider discussion about presentations. Note, the Zoom chat channel will not be monitored for questions: all questions should take place exclusively via Slack.

A set of Slack channels have been created, which can be joined by any registered participant. Each workshop and tutorial also has its own independent channel, which is managed by the respective organisers. The below table lists all channels. We encourage participants to review these and selectively join the ones of interest prior to the conference.

(Note: Click on the links below to visit the Slack channels. If you're asked to sign in, use the workspace name "" to sign up or sign in.)