ACM ICN 2014, September 24-26, 2014, Paris, France
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1st ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN-2014)

Camera Ready Submission

This page provides information for the formatting and submission of camera-ready papers, posters, demos and keynote abstracts. The camera-ready submission deadline is August 18, 2014. The process will be handled by Sheridan Communications on behalf of ACM. Detailed instructions on formating and submitting your paper are available here.

For poster presentations during the conference, we define a poster to be A0 paper size in portrait mode (841x1189mm), to which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. Alternatively, you can use the space as a continuum. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about your work.

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Enter the “Registration ID” from your registration confirmation email.

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