1st ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN-2014)
Submission Instructions
This page provides information for the formatting and submission of papers and demos. The submission process and instructions are different for panels and tutorials. For papers and demos, the important dates are:
- Register your paper by 8:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), May 30, 2014.
- Submit your paper by 8:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), June 6, 2014.
- Submit your demo by 8:59 pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), July 1, 2014.
Review Process
All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance. The single-blind reviewing process will be used, that is, author names and affiliations will be visible to the reviewers, but reviewer names and affiliations will not be visible to the authors.
Paper Registration
Registration only requires submission of paper metadata: paper title and abstract, author names, affiliations, contact email addresses anb topics matching the subject matter of the paper. The paper itself does not need to be submitted at the registration deadline. However, the paper title and abstract submitted during registration must be complete - not placeholders - and correctly characterize the paper that will be submitted. Authors can change the wording of their titles and abstracts for submission, but their essence should not fundamentally change. The TPC will use the information provided during registration as a basis for making review assignments. Demos will not be registered before submission.
Paper Formatting
All submissions must obey the following formatting requirements. Your goal as an author is to produce a clearly readable submission within these constraints. Authors are strongly discouraged from violating the formatting requirements with the aim of including additional material.
- Submit papers of no more than ten (10) single-spaced pages, including figures, tables, references, appendices, etc. Papers longer than 10 pages will not be reviewed. For demos the page limit is 2 pages.
- Include names and affiliations of all authors in the title page, as the review process will be single-blind.
- Submit papers using a 10pt font on 12pt leading formatted for printing on Letter-sized (8.5" by 11") paper. Paper text blocks must follow ACM SIGCOMM guidelines: double-column, with each column 9.25" by 3.33", 0.33" space between columns. Each column must contain no more than 55 lines of text. For submission, use the following LaTeX template or Word template to ensure compliance. Please do NOT use copies of these templates that you might find elsewhere since we cannot be sure that those are compliant.
- Provide an abstract of no more than 200 words.
- Number the pages.
- Submit papers in PDF (Portable Document Format) and ensure that they are compatible with Adobe Acrobat (English version). Other formats, including Postscript, will not be accepted. Avoid using non-standard fonts. The TPC must be able to display and print your submission exactly as we receive it using only standard tools and printers, so we strongly suggest that you use only standard fonts that are embedded in the PDF file.
- Ensure that the paper prints well on black-and-white printers, not color printers. Pay particular attention to figures and graphs in the paper to ensure that they are legible without color. Explicitly using grayscale colors will provide best control over how graphs and figures will print on black-and-white printers.
- Ensure that labels and symbols used in graphs and figures are legible, including the font sizes of tick marks, axis labels, legends, etc.
Paper Submission
Authors must submit their papers electronically using EDAS. The submission process involves the following three steps:- Create a personal account on EDAS if you do not already have one.
- For regular papers, register the paper by the paper registration deadline via the ACM ICN-2014 EDAS paper page. Then, upload the manuscript in PDF format by the paper submission deadline via the link returned by EDAS for your previously registered paper.
- For demos, register the demo and upload the manuscript in PDF format by the demo submission deadline via the ACM ICN-2014 EDAS demo page.
Paper Acceptance
The ACM-ICN 2014 TPC will notify paper and demo authors of review decisions by July 25, 2014. After acceptance, substantive changes to paper titles require approval by the TPC chairs. Only in exceptional circumstances should authors change their author list, and only with the approval of the TPC chairs.
Authors of accepted papers will also need to sign an ACM copyright release form. All rejected papers will be permanently treated as confidential.