3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2016), Sept. 26-28, 2016
Call for Posters and Demos
The ICN poster and demo sessions are intended to showcase works-in-progress. Topics of interest are the same as those listed in the main track CFP. We strongly encourage both student and industry submissions. Both demos and posters should be accompanied by a 2 page extended abstract, which will be published in the conference proceedings. Abstract for posters, demos and datasets can be submitted via the ICN 2016 submission website.
Preparation of Posters
You are not required to submit the poster initially. Instead, you should submit a 2 page extended abstract. If the abstract is accepted, you will then be asked to prepare the poster. The abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed, (b) what makes this problem interesting, (c) your approach, and (d) the key contribution. Acceptance is based on a peer review process of all abstracts.
A poster should be of size 32 inches x 42 inches (this is between A0 and A1) in portrait mode. It should be visually appealing, portraying ideas primarily via diagrams rather than text. The poster will be displayed on easels. The organizers will supply the foam backing and a method to mount the posters to the foam backing
In particular, we call for posters that include accompanying datasets shared with the community. The aim is to collect and share datasets that can hopefully become a common ground for evaluation in the ICN community. Such posters will be eligible for a “best dataset award”.
Preparation of Demos
You are required to submit a 2 page extended abstract, which describes the demo. The extended abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed and why it is important, (b) the approach taken and the design of the demo, (c) the key contribution and (d) any special technical requirements. If accepted, it is strongly recommended that a poster supporting the demo is produced.
Acceptance is based on a peer review process of all abstracts. A “best demo award” will be given this year, based on community judging by registered participants
A demo should be self contained and ideally interactive. Accepted demos will be given a table (6 feet by 30 inches), a power supply (100V TypeA) and WiFi Internet access (NAT only) by default. Details regarding poster preparation are described above.
Contact the Poster and Demo ChairsImportant Dates
July 8, 2016
Poster and Demo Submission Deadline
July 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance
August 15, 2016
Camera Ready Due
September 26-28, 2016
Program Committee
- Poster and Demo Chairs
Eiichi Muramoto
Panasonic Research, Japan
Volker Hilt
Bell Labs, Germany
Michele Tortelli
Telecom ParisTech, France
- Program Committee Members
Alexander Afanasyev
Andrea Araldo
Université Paris Sud
Arjuna Sathiaseelan
University of Cambridge
Daisuke Matsubara
Daniel Corujo
Eum Suyong
Osaka University
Gennaro Boggia
Politecnico di Bari
George Xylomenos
Athens University of Economics and Business
Ioannis Psaras
Ivica Rimac
Jörg Ott
Technische Universität München
Kohei Sugiyama
Liang Wang
University of Cambridge
Mark Stapp
Osamu Akashi
Ravi Ravindran
Thomas Silverston
University of Tokyo
Yehia Elkhatib
Lancaster University