3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2016), Sept. 26-28, 2016
Call for Workshops
ICN has both broad application and draws from many related technical fields. Recognizing this, ICN 2016 may hold one or two workshops in conjunction with the main conference, tentatively on 26th September 2016, intended to act as bridges between the ICN community and researchers in related fields such as mobility, security, caching, applications, ICT4D, etc. We encourage workshop proposals co-chaired by members of the ICN community and these other fields. Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format, and be sent to the Tutorial/Workshop chairs.
A workshop proposal should contain at least the following information:
- Motivation and rationale for the workshop.
- A draft Call For Papers (CFP), as complete as possible.
- The workshop deadlines, both internal and external. See below for guidelines on important external guidelines.
- Names and affiliations of main organizers. Include a tentative composition of the committees (as complete as possible). Please indicate whether prospective TPC members have been contacted, and whether they have accepted the invitation. - We strongly discourage speculative TPC listings.
- Workshop format, i.e., expected number of presented papers, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, etc. Also, whether you expect to be full day or half day workshop.
- Expected number of participants. Further, if the workshop is not a teaching workshop, please include the expected number of submissions.
- Prior history of this workshop, if any, including number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and attendee count. If the workshop was co-located with another conference please include details and a brief description why ICN is an appropriate venue.
Note that workshop format itself should favor interaction among participants as well as community building.
Contact the Workshop and Tutorial ChairsImportant Workshop Dates
March 30, 2016
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline
April 15, 2016
Notification of Acceptance of Workshop proposals
July 20, 2016
Workshop paper submission deadline
August 15, 2016
Workshop paper notification deadline
September 1, 2016
Workshop camera ready version submission
September 26-28, 2016