Internet Measurement Conference 2004
Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM and in cooperation with USENIX

October 25-27, 2004
Taormina, Sicily, Italy


IMC Steering Committee

Mark Crovella, Boston U.
C. Diot, Intel Research
B. Krishnamurthy, AT&T Research
V. Paxson, ICSI and LBNL

IMC 2004 General Chair

A. Lombardo, U. Catania

IMC 2004 Program Committee

Mark Allman, ICIR
Paul Barford, U. Wisconsin
Olivier Bonaventure, U. catholique de Louvain
kc claffy, CAIDA
Mark Crovella, Boston U.
Christophe Diot, Intel
Constantinos Dovrolis, Georgia Tech
Nick Duffield, AT&T
Anja Feldmann, TU Muenchen
Gianluca Iannaccone, Intel
Kevin Jeffay, U. North Carolina
Jim Kurose, U. Massachusetts, PC Chair
Francesco LoPresti, U. L'Aquila
Z. Morely Mao, U. Michigan
Sue Moon, KAIST
Lili Qiu, Microsoft
Matt Roughan, U. Adelaide
Anees Shaikh, IBM
Srini Seshan, CMU
David Wetherall, U. Washington
Carey Williamson, U. Calgary
Jun (Jim) Xu, Georgia Tech


IMC 2004 gratefully acknowledges Cisco System, IBM Research, Intel Research, Microsoft Research, and Usenix for their kind donations. We also acknowledge the contribution of the US National Science Foundation to the student travel grant program.