Award Winners
We are pleased to announce IMC 2020’s awards. Congratulations to the winners!
Community Contribution Award
On Landing and Internal Pages: The Strange Case of Jekyll and Hyde in Internet Measurement
Waqar Aqeel (Duke University and M.I.T.); Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran and Anja Feldmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik); Bruce Maggs (Duke University and Emerald Innovations and M.I.T.)
The paper questions the standard use of landing pages as representative of a site with a survey that examines how past work’s results might have been affected by choosing an internal page rather than a landing page as representative. The paper’s valuable dataset — a list of 100,000 pages from ~2,000 sites from Alexa Top 1 million — and the code to generate similar lists for different languages and regions, will be useful to future work measuring many varied characteristics of the Web.
Best Paper Award
Exploring the “Internet from space” with Hypatia
Simon Kassing and Debopam Bhattacherjee (ETH Zurich); André Baptista Águas and Jens Eirik Saethre; Ankit Singla (ETH Zurich)
As the next generation of satellite networks is being deployed, being able to accurately simulate satellite communications in all its richness is increasingly important. This paper makes a notable contribution to this challenge and is rich in opportunities to further extend the work.