Hotel Reservation

The special hotel rate is $119 for both single and double rooms. Please fill in the form below, and mail or fax to hotel. The reservations deadline is August 11.

Cambridge Center Marriott
Attn: Reservation Office
2 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA

Phone:                     +1 617 494 6600  x6100 
           		   +1 800 228 9290 (toll free within USA) 
Fax:     		   +1 617 494 0036



Mailing Address:

Daytime Phone:

FAX Number:

Arrival Date: ___________  Departure Date:_________ 

Room Type: Single         Double

Do you have special needs?                                           

Please be sure to mention SIGCOMM 95 for the special conference rate. Reservations received after 11 August 1995 will be accepted at the conference rate only on a space available basis. Reservations are held until 6:00 PM. You can guarantee late arrival with a major credit card. Guaranteed reservations must be canceled 24 hours in advance to avoid being charged.
Credit Card Type: (only VISA or Mastercard, please)

Card Number:

Exp. Date:

Cardholder  Name:____________________________
			(Exactly as printed on the card)     


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Last updated by S. Keshav on Mon Jul 10 12:05:01 EDT 1995