The special hotel rate is $119 for both single and double rooms. Please fill in the form below, and mail or fax to hotel. The reservations deadline is August 11.
Cambridge Center Marriott
Attn: Reservation Office
2 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Phone: +1 617 494 6600 x6100 +1 800 228 9290 (toll free within USA) Fax: +1 617 494 0036
Name: Affiliation: Mailing Address: Daytime Phone: FAX Number: Arrival Date: ___________ Departure Date:_________ Room Type: Single Double Do you have special needs?
Credit Card Type: (only VISA or Mastercard, please) Card Number: Exp. Date: Cardholder Name:____________________________ (Exactly as printed on the card) Signature:
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