Online Access to Papers

This page has links to papers that were presented during Sigcomm '95.

Technical Program

WEDNESDAY, August 30

8:45am - 10:00am Keynote Session
Chair: Dave Clark and Karen Sollins (MIT)

Keynote address by the 1995 SIGCOMM Award winner, Prof. David Farber (U. Pennsylvania)

10:30am - noon Bandwidth Reservation
Chair: Lillian Cassel (Villanova)

A Measurement-based Admission Control Algorithm for Integrated Services Packet Networks
Sugih Jamin (Student Award Winner), Peter Danzig (U. of Southern California), Scott Shenker, Lixia Zhang (Xerox PARC)

Two Aspects of Reservation Establishment
Scott Shenker, Lee Breslau (Xerox PARC)

Design , Implementation , Evaluation of a Software-based Real-Time Ethernet Protocol
Chitra Venkatramani, Tzi-cker Chiueh (SUNY)

1:30pm - 3:00pm Switching & Routing
Chair: Craig Partridge (BBN)

Pipelined Memory Shared Buffer for VLSI Switches
Manolis Katevenis, Panagiota Vatsolaki, Aristides Efthymiou (FORTH and U. of Crete)

IP/ATM: A Strategy for Integrating IP With ATM
Guru Parulkar, Douglas C. Schmidt, Jonathan Turner (Washington U.- St. Louis)

Hierarchical Distance Vector Multicast Routing for the MBone
Ajit Thyagarajan (U. of Delaware), Stephen E. Deering (Xerox PARC)

3:30pm - 5:00pm Protocols
Chair: Jean-Chrysostome Bolot (INRIA)

Performance of Checksums and CRCs over Real Data
Craig Partridge (BBN), Jim Hughes (Network System Corporation), Jonathan Stone (Stanford U.)

Performance Analysis of MD5
Joseph D. Touch (U. of Southern California/Information Sciences Institute)

Software Support for Outboard Buffering and Checksumming
Karl Kleinpaste, Peter Steenkiste (Carnegie Mellon U.), Brian Zill (Microsoft)

5:00pm - 6:15pm Annual Business Meeting
All attendees are invited
6:30pm - 10:00pm Social Event
Reception: Dinner at the Boston Computer Museum. Attendees will be bused from the conference hotel.

THURSDAY, August 31


9:00am - 10:30am Traffic Characterization
Chair: Will Leland (Bellcore)

Self-Similarity Through High-Variability: Statistical Analysis of Ethernet LAN Traffic at the Source Level
W. Willinger (Bellcore), M.S. Taqqu (Boston U.), R. Sherman, D.V. Wilson (Bellcore)

Modeling and Simulation of Self-Similar Variable Bit Rate Compressed Video: A Unified Approach
Changcheng Huang, Michael Devetsikiotis, Ioannis Lambadaris, A. Roger Kaye (Carleton U.)

Performance Bounds In Communication Networks With Variable-Rate Links
Kam Lee (Carnegie Mellon U).

11:00am - 12:30pm Protocol Implementations
Chair: James Sterbenz (GTE Laboratories)

A System for Constructing Configurable High-Level Protocols
Nina T. Bhatti, Richard D. Schlichting (U. of Arizona)

Protocol Implementation Using Integrated Layer Processing
Torsten Braun, Christophe Diot (INRIA)

Trading Packet Headers for Packet Processing
Girish P. Chandranmenon, George Varghese (Washington U.-St. Louis)

2:00pm - 3:30pm Selected Topics
Chair: Larry Landweber (U. Wisconsin)

An Automatic Trace Analysis Tool Generator for Estelle Specifications
S. Alan Ezust, G. v. Bochmann (Un iversite de Montreal)

Experience with TCP Vegas: Emulation and Experiment
Jong-Suk Ahn, Peter B. Danzig, Zhen Liu, Limin Yan (U. of Southern California)

Experiences Implementing A High-Performance TCP In User-Space
Aled Edwards (Hewlett-Packard Labs), Steve Muir (U. of Cambridge)

4:00pm - 5:30pm Scheduling
Chair: Lixia Zhang (Xerox PARC)

Leave-in-Time: A New Service Discipline for Real-Time Communications in a Packet-Switching Network
Norival Figueira, Joseph Pasquale (U. of California-San Diego)

RCBR: A Simple and Efficient Service for Multiple Time-Scale Traffic
M. Grossglauser, S. Keshav, D. Tse (AT&T)

Efficient Fair Queuing using Deficit Round Robin
M. Shreedhar, George Varghese (Washington U.-St. Louis)

8:00pm - 10:00pm Outrageous Opinions
Chair: Bruce Davie (Bellcore)

FRIDAY, September 1


9:00am - 10:30am Wireless
Chair: Stephen Pink (SICS)

A Mobile User Location Update and Paging Mechanism Under Delay Constraints
Ian F. Akyildiz, Joseph S. M. Ho (Georgia Tech)

Authentication Protocols for Personal Communication Systems
Hung-Yu Lin, Lein Harn (U. of Missouri-Kansas City)

Floor Acquisition Multiple Access (FAMA) For Packet-Radio Networks
Chane L. Fullmer, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (U. of California-Santa Cruz)

11:00am - 12:30pm Application Support
Chair: Ellen Siegel (SunSoft)

CCCP: Conference Control Channel Protocol-A Scalable Base for Building Conference Control Applications
Mark Handley, Ian Wakeman, Jon Crowcroft (University College London)

Locating Nearby Copies of Replicated Internet Servers
James D. Guyton, Michael F. Schwartz (U. of Colorado)

The Case for Persistent-Connection HTTP
Jeffrey C. Mogul (Digital Equipment Corporation)

2:00pm - 3:30pm Multicast
Chair: Steve Deering (Xerox PARC)

Sharing the "Cost" of Multicast Trees: An Axiomatic Analysis
Shai Herzog, Deborah Estrin (U. of Southern California/ Information Sciences Institute), Scott Shenker (Xerox PARC)

Log-Based Receiver-Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive Simulation
Hugh W. Holbrook, Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton (Stanford U.)

A Reliable Multicast Framework for Light-weight Sessions and Application Level Framing
Sally Floyd, Van Jacobson, Steven McCanne (Lawrence Berkeley Lab), Lixia Zhang (Xerox PARC), Ching-Gung Liu (U. of Southern California)

3:30pm - 3:45pm Closing Session
Chair: Stuart Wecker (Symmetrix, Inc.)

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Last updated by G. F. Wetzel, 15 January 1997