Advance Program


Applications, Technologies, Architectures
and Protocols for Computer Communication

New! Attendee Information New!

Stanford University, California, USA
Tutorials, August 26-27, 1996
Conference Program, August 28-30, 1996

ACM SIGCOMM '96 is the annual conference of the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM). This year's conference is co-sponsored by

CorporationQualcomm Incorporated

CorporationFore Systems

ACM SIGCOMM '96 has a Student Travel Grant Program which provides grants to graduate students to attend the conference.

Tutorial Descriptions. Conference Program. Registration Information.
Special Session: Work in Progress. Social Events.
Getting to the Conference.
Tutorials via Instructional Television in the Bay Area.
SIGCOMM '96 on TV and the MBONE
The SIGCOMM Multicast Workshop

SIGCOMM '96 Organizing Committee
SIGCOMM '96 Program Committee

ACM SIGCOMM '97 will be in Cannes, France.