ACM SIGCOMM '96 is hosting two social events with the conference: a reception and a dinner.

The Reception will be a wine tasting with hors d'oeurves held the evening of August 27th on the Stanford campus after the second day of tutorials. The wine is generously being donated by Dan Lynch from his personal wine cellar. Dan is the founder of Interop and the co-founder of Cybercash and at one time actually did TCP/IP programming. Dan is also a noted wine connoisseur and we expect the tasting to be good fun. This is an opportunity to register and see your fellow attendees before the main conference program begins the following day.

The conference Dinner will be held in the conference facilities of the Thomas Fogarty Winery. The winery is on Skyline Boulevard, on top of a ridge with spectacular views of Palo Alto, San Francisco Bay, and beyond. Come have dinner and try the Fogarty wines while looking out over some of the prettiest country in Northern California. Because the winery's conference facility cannot seat the expected SIGCOMM attendance in one sitting, SIGCOMM will be hosting dinners there on both Wednesday, August 28th and Thursday, August 29th. Pick your preferred evening at the conference registration when you pick up your conference materials. Bus service will be provided to and from the dinner.