The organisation committee is most
delighted to invite you to Grand Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden in
August-September year 2000.
Per Gunningberg |
 Stephen Pink |
ACM SIGCOMM 2000 is the annual conference of the Special Interest
Group on Data Communication
(SIGCOMM), a vital special
interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery
- Aug 2000: The technical program will be
multicast on the Internet.
- Aug 2000: The outrageous opinions session seeks your input: the instructions are here, the deadline is approaching.
- Aug 2000: The final program is available, check out here.
- May 2000: The advance program has been published, see here.
- Feb 2000: A Newsweek article introduces Stockholm as Europe's Internet Capital.
- Jan 2000: Paper submission deadline is over - more than 230 papers submitted!
Important dates
Outrageous opinions desired:
Preconference program starts
| August 25, 2000
August 28, 2000
Past dates |
Paper submission:
Tutorial proposals:
Notification of acceptance:
Camera ready papers:
Proposals for student travel grant:
Proposals for poster session:
Advance registration ends:
January 28, 2000
February 28, 2000
April 21, 2000
June 2, 2000
June 22, 2000
July 12, 2000
July 28, 2000
For More Information Contact:
General Conference Chairs:
Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Stephen Pink, University of Arizona, USA.
E-mail: sigcomm2000-gcchairs@it.uu.se
Local Arrangements Chairs:
Bengt Ahlgren, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden
Christian Tschudin, Uppsala University, Sweden
E-mail: tschudin@docs.uu.se