Call for Papers
Paper Submission
Organization Committee
Program Committee
Conference Program
Accommodations & Local Information
Student Poster Session
Student Travel Awards

Call for Papers

The SIGCOMM 2002 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. Authors are invited to submit full papers concerned with the theory, practice, and evaluation of networks. We are especially interested in innovative and thought-provoking ideas across a wide range of topics related to networking.

Areas of interest include:

  • Network protocols
  • Algorithms, protocols, and systems for routing, switching, and signaling
  • Network resource management and sharing, quality of service, operating system support for networking
  • Wireless, mobile, and pervasive networking, networking with specialized devices and sensors
  • Experimental and measurement results from operational networks and protocols
  • Network management, traffic engineering, and real-world experience
  • Network fault-tolerance and reliability, debugging, and troubleshooting
  • Peer-to-peer networking architectures, overlay-based network services and applications, novel distributed applications and middleware
  • Systems and protocols for video, audio, telephony, and games
  • Web protocols and systems, content distribution networks
  • Network security, vulnerabilities, and defenses
  • Programmable network architectures and infrastructure
  • Lessons about network scalability, insights and models of the structure and behavior of communication networks

NEW THIS YEAR: SIGCOMM 2002 solicits submissions of "position papers" articulating high-level architectural visions, describing challenging future directions, or critiquing current design wisdom. Accepted position papers will be presented at the conference and appear in the proceedings. In addition, SIGCOMM 2002 is open to proposals for panel discussions on timely and controversial topics. Panel proposals should include the topic and motivation for the panel, the names of the panel chair and panelists, and an outline of the format of the panel discussion.

SIGCOMM 2002 will feature two days of full-day and half-day tutorials covering single topics in detail, at both the introductory or advanced level. Proposals should be sent to the Tutorials Chair and must include an extended abstract (2-4 pages) containing a description of the topic and intended audience, a biography of the speaker(s), and an indication of length. Individuals interested in submitting tutorial proposals are encouraged to contact the Tutorials Chair before the deadline to discuss the proposed content.

Student Paper Award
Papers submitted by students may be considered for a student paper award. To be eligible, a student or group of students must be primary contributors to the paper. Such papers should be indicated as such on the paper submission web page.

SIGCOMM 2002 will begin with a keynote by the 2002 winner of the ACM SIGCOMM Award for lifetime contributions to the field of computer communication. Procedures for nominating candidates for the SIGCOMM Award can be obtained from Craig Partridge (

As in previous years, SIGCOMM 2002 will have a poster session and student travel grant program.