Selfish Behavior
and Stability of the Internet: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of TCP.
Aditya Akella, Srinivasan Seshan (CMU) Richard
Karp, Scott Shenker, Christos Papadimitriou (ICSI/UC Berkeley)
For years, the conventional wisdom has been that the continued
stability of the Internet depends on the widespread deployment of ``socially
responsible'' congestion control. In this paper, we seek to answer
the following fundamental question: If network end-points behaved in a
selfish manner, would the stability of the Internet be endangered?
We evaluate the impact of greedy end-point behavior through a game-theoretic
analysis of TCP. In this ``TCP Game'' each flow attempts to
maximize the throughput it achieves by modifying its congestion control
behavior. We use a combination of analysis and simulation to determine the
Nash Equilibrium of this game. Our question then reduces to
whether the network operates efficiently at these Nash equilibria.
Our findings are twofold. First, in more traditional environments
-- where end-points use TCP Reno-style loss recovery and routers use drop-tail
queues -- the Nash Equilibria are reasonably efficient. However, when
endpoints use more recent variations of TCP (e.g., SACK) and routers employ
either RED or drop-tail queues, the Nash equilibria are very
inefficient. This suggests that the Internet of the past could
remain stable in the face of greedy end-user behavior, but the Internet of
today is vulnerable to such behavior. Second, we find that
restoring the efficiency of the Nash equilibria in these settings does not
require heavy-weight packet scheduling techniques (e.g., Fair Queuing) but
instead can be done with a very simple stateless mechanism based on CHOKe.
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