Paper Submission
SIGCOMM, like most conferences and journals, requires that papers not be
submitted simultaneously to any other conference or publication (excepting
dual-submission with the FDNA and NICELI workshops) and that submissions not be
previously published. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality
and relevance through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the
authors are withheld from the reviewers. Authors of accepted papers will need to
sign an ACM copyright release form. Authors of accepted papers will need to work
with a shepard assigned from the program committee to produce the
camera-ready version of the paper.
Electronic copies of the camera-ready papers will be published on the conference web
site before the conference, unless authors specifically request that this not
be done.
**The deadline for registering a paper, with abstract, is midnight
EST, Friday January 31, 2003.
**The deadline for submitting the paper itself is midnight EST,
Wednesday February 5, 2003.
**These are hard deadlines; no extensions will be given.
The formatting requirements and step-by-step submission instructions for SIGCOMM'03
full and position papers are given below.
Submission of posters and workshop-only papers is being handled separately.
Please read the Call For Papers, Guidance
for Authors of Position Papers, and Anonymity Guidelines
before preparing your submission.
Anonymity Guidelines
All papers submitted to the SIGCOMM conference undergo double-blind reviewing
-- the authors do not know the identity of the program committee members and
referees who review the paper, nor do the program committee members and referees
know the identity of the authors. As an author, you are required to make a good
faith effort to preserve the anonymity
of your submission while at the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the
context of related past work, including your own. Common sense and careful
writing will go a long way towards preserving anonymity. You should also take the following steps when preparing your submission:
- Remove authors' names and affiliations from the title page.
- Remove acknowledgement of identifying names and funding sources.
- Use care in naming your files. Source file names, e.g.,
Joe.Smith.dvi, are often embedded in the final output as readily accessible
- Use care in referring to related work, particularly your own. Do not omit
references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp
the context. Instead, a good solution is to reference your past work in the third
person, just as you would any other piece of related work. For example, if
your name is Joe Smith:
In previous work [1,2], Smith presented protocols for .... In this paper, we build on that work by
[1] Joe Smith, "A Simple Protocol for ...," Proceedings of
[2] Joe Smith, "A More Complicated Protocol for...," Proceedings
of ACM SIGCOMM 2001.
The requirement for anonymity is not meant to extend beyond the submission process to the
detriment of your research. In particular, you may circulate your submission
among colleagues or discuss it on a mailing list if you see fit.
Formatting Guidelines
- Submissions must be no longer than fourteen (14) pages for full papers and
eight (8) pages for position papers, in double column format with standard margins and at least a 10
point font, larger if possible. This length includes everything:
figures, tables, references, appendices and so forth. Longer submissions
will not be reviewed, and your goal as an author is to produce a clearly
readable submission within these constraints.
- Provide an abstract of fewer than 200 words.
- Number the pages.
- Do not identify the papers' authors. See the Anonymity
Guidelines above.
- On the front page, in place of the authors' names, the paper should
- the paper ID number assigned during the paper registration
process (See below.)
- the total number of pages in the submission.
- The paper must be submitted in PDF or Postscript
format. We must be able to display and print your submission exactly
as we receive it and using only standard tools and postscript printers, so
we strongly suggest that you use only standard fonts.
- Make sure that the paper prints well on black-and-white printers, not
color printers. This is especially true for plots and graphs in the paper.
- Make sure that the output has been formatted for printing on LETTER
(8.5" by 11")
size paper.
Submission Instructions
The submission website is located at
It will become active around mid-January. You may submit full and position
papers at this website by following the instructions below. Only electronic
submissions via this site will be accepted; please do not mail papers to the PC
chairs. Note that workshop-only submissions (not dual submissions) and posters
are being handled separately, and instructions for these submissions will be
given on the main conference web site.
**The deadline for registering a paper, with abstract, is midnight
EST, Friday January 31, 2003.
**The deadline for submitting the paper itself is midnight EST,
Wednesday February 5, 2003.
**These are hard deadlines; no extensions will be given.
To submit a full or position paper, follow these steps:
- Login to the submission website (,
creating an account if you do not have one already.
- Follow the steps under "Tasks for Authors", beginning with
"Start" to register a new submission. You must provide a title,
abstract, author names and affiliations, and specify the kind of paper. You can update these
details until the paper registration deadline. The
kind is either a full or position paper. It may further be a dual-submission
with either the FDNA or NICELI workshops. It is also a student paper if the
primary author and contributor is a student. Successful registration
will provide you with a paper ID number, to be included in the submission
- "Upload" the paper itself, which must be less than 6MB.You can upload revised versions of
your paper until the paper submission deadline.
- Optionally, "View" the paper you uploaded to check that it has
been received correctly.
- "Finalize" your submission, indicating that it is complete and
ready for us to process. This must be done before the paper submission
All finalized submissions will be automatically acknowledged within 24 hours.
Please contact the program chairs promptly if your submission is
not acknowledged.