Workshop on
Networking Education:
How to Educate the Educators? (NetEd)

Karlsruhe, Germany, August 25, 2003
In conjunction with ACM SIGCOMM 2003

Workshop on Networking Education: How to Educate the Educators? (NetEd)

This second ACM SIGCOMM-sponsored workshop devoted to the topic of networking education will bring together faculty from a broad spectrum of colleges and universities, industry engineers and scientists, and others with an interest in education to discuss curriculum design and teaching practices in the field of computer networks. The workshop will give both new and experienced educators an opportunity to share their views and experiences on the do's and don'ts of networking education, including content, teaching techniques and teaching paradigms. The discussion topics are undergraduate and graduate curriculum, tips for new networking educators, hands-on projects in networking courses, and a comparison and discussion of networking education around the globe.

Important Dates

Deadline to submit a white paper for the informal proceedings July 18th, 2003
Deadline to apply for travel grantsJuly 18th, 2003
Deadline to propose a poster for the poster sessionJuly 18th, 2003
Workshop dateAugust 25, 2003


  • Panel Chairs