Call for Papers

The SIGCOMM 2004 conference seeks papers describing significant research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks.  We invite submissions on network architecture, design, implementation, operations, analysis, measurement, and simulation. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Network, transport, and application-layer protocols
  • Networking issues for Web, multimedia, and gaming applications
  • Routing, switching, and addressing
  • Resource management, quality of service, and signaling
  • Operating system support for networking
  • Wireless, mobile, ad hoc, and sensor networks
  • Network management and traffic engineering
  • Experimental and measurement results from operational networks
  • Network fault-tolerance and reliability, debugging, and troubleshooting
  • Peer-to-peer, overlay, and content distribution networks
  • Analysis and design of network architectures and algorithms
  • Tools and techniques for network measurement and simulation
  • Network security, vulnerability, and defenses
  • Fundamental insights into network and traffic characteristics

We welcome two categories of paper submissions -- full papers and position papers.  As in previous years, SIGCOMM 2004 will have a poster session and student travel grant program.  Details will be posted as they become available.

Full Papers

Full papers are no more than 14 pages long and typically report novel results firmly substantiated by experimentation, simulation, or analysis.  Instructions on paper submission and formatting are available here.

Position Papers

Position papers are no more than 8 pages long and attempt to shape research directions by offering new perspectives, wisdom, and guidance rather than presenting mature work with quantitative results.  Instructions on paper submission and formatting are available here.  More detailed guidelines for authors of position papers are available here.


Posters are one 30" x 40" (75cm x 100cm) page long, and present ongoing work. Student submissions will be favored.  For information about the poster session, contact Prashant Shenoy.

Tutorials and Workshops

SIGCOMM 2004 will feature tutorials and workshops.  The call for workshops can found here.  More information on the tutorials and workshops will be available at a later date.


There will also be a Student Paper Award (chosen by the program committee), Student Travel Grants, and a SIGCOMM Award recognizing lifetime contributions. For information about the Student Travel  Grants, contact Tilman Wolf.  To nominate a candidate for the SIGCOMM Award contact Mark Crovella.

Important Dates

Workshop proposals

December 1, 2003

Paper registration/abstract

January 30, 2004 (HARD DEADLINE)

Tutorial proposals

February 1, 2004

Paper submission

February 6, 2004 (HARD DEADLINE)

Paper notification

April 30, 2004

Poster submission

May 15, 2004 (HARD DEADLINE)

Poster notification

June 11, 2004

Camera-ready papers

June 21, 2004

Last Modified: February 11, 2004