Poster Session

Technical Program

Call For Posters

This year we will be repeating the very popular poster session aimed showcasing work-in-progress. This is an opportunity to present and discuss current work in an informal setting during the SIGCOMM 2004 week. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SIGCOMM conference CFP.

Although anyone can submit a poster, preference will be given to posters where the primary contribution is from one or more students. Posters will be reviewed by members of the SIGCOMM Poster Session Committee and the authors of accepted posters will be notified by June 18. At the conference, student posters must be presented by a student. Authors of accepted papers may not submit a poster of the work in those papers.

Important Dates

  • Electronic submission address:
  • Preliminary submission deadline: May 15, 2004 17:00 EDT
  • Final Submission deadline: May 21, 2004, 17:00 EDT (Hard deadline)
  • Notification of decisions: June 18, 2004
  • Final version of abstracts due back: July 23, 2004

Why should you submit a poster?

This is a great chance especially for students to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on on-going research from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Student authors of accepted posters will also have a chance to apply for SIGCOMM 2004 student travel grants. Note that the travel grant deadline is only one week after the poster notification date of June 18, so we recommend interested students to plan ahead.

What is a poster?

A poster is a 30in x 40in or 74cm x 100 cm rectangular board on which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. How you use this is up to you: you may choose to print out up to nine 8.5in x11in or A4 sheets of paper (e.g., paper copies of overheads) and tile the poster board with these pages. Or, you may choose to format a single large sheet of paper describing the work and attach that to the poster board. You may orient it with the long edge either horizontally or vertically. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about your work.

What, when, and where to submit?

Although the final deadline for submission is May 21, 2004, 17:00 EDT, for any submissions that arrive by May 15, 2004, 17:00 EDT, we will help verify that printing, and formatting is appropriate and provide feedback within a couple of days (with time to make a final submission by the final deadline). Any submissions that arrive after the earlier deadline will be taken as is and rejected if they do not meet the criteria. All posters should be submitted by email to

Submit a one page abstract about your work/poster in PDF format by email. The poster itself should not be included in the email, instead please include a URL of the poster in your one page abstract---the poster should be available for download in pdf format from this URL.

The one page abstract should identify the key contribution of the work being presented in the poster. In addition, it should describe the particular the problem being addressed, what makes this problem interesting or important, and what your approach is to the problem. We recommend that you use the ACM conference style for preparing your abstract. Include the title, authors, institutional affiliations, status (student, faculty, and so on) of each author and an email address of the contact author. In the final version of the abstract, you should also include a URL that will provide additional information about your work to the attendees.

Your abstract should not exceed one page; longer submissions will not be considered for review.

Submission process:

Submit your one page abstract as a MIME attachment to Be sure to include a URL for your poster in the abstract. If it is not possible to make your poster available for download via an URL, please contact the posters chair at for alternatives. Your submission will be acknowledged by email within two days after you submit.
Our mailer can handle MIME attachments up to 4MB in size. While this should be more than adequate for a one page pdf abstract, please contact the posters chair at if your abstract exceeds this limit.

Please remember that the abstract should be no more than one page in PDF form only. Word documents will not be accepted.

At the conference, we will distribute to all conference attendees the abstracts in addition to the conference proceedings. Accepted poster authors will have about a month to revise their text prior to printing. We will provide poster board and glue for mounting the posters.

The SIGCOMM 2004 Poster Committee will select between 15 and 30 of the most interesting and thought-provoking posters by June 18, 2004 and notify all contact authors. More details will be sent at that time.

Posters Review Committee

  • Kevin Almeroth (University of California Santa Barbara)
  • Mostafa Ammar (Georgia Tech)
  • Wu-chang Feng (Oregon Graduate Institute)
  • Sergey Gorinsky (Washington University, St. Loius)
  • Sneha Kasera (University of Utah)
  • Vishal Misra (Columbia University)
  • Erich Nahum (IBM Watson Research Center)
  • K K Ramakrishnan (AT&T Labs Research)
  • Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts, Chair)
  • Tilman Wolf (University of Massachusetts)
  • Steve Hand (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Jasleen Sahni (University of North Carolina)
  • Sambit Sahu (IBM Watson Research Center)
  • Dinesh Verma (IBM)
Last Modified: February 11, 2004