New Delhi, India (August 30, 2010)
Understanding and reducing the energy consumption of computing and communication
infrastructure in home, enterprise and data center environments is an area of
increasing importance for both researchers and commercial entities. This is an
interdisciplinary field by its very nature: advances in many areas such as
computer architecture, operating systems and compilers are all needed to reduce
the energy consumption. Many of the proposed ideas have a direct impact on how
networks are designed and provisioned. The power consumption of network
infrastructure has itself come under scrutiny. At the same time, we have begun to
see networking technologies play a significant role in reducing energy
consumption in other domains such as utility networks and transportation systems.
The First Green Networking workshop at SIGCOMM will focus on networking issues
involved in designing green infrastructures in both computing and non-computing
domains. We welcome papers that utilize networking technologies and principles to
other domains besides traditional networking areas such as transit, energy that
influence our daily life.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Power measurements and data from empirical studies of computer and communication infrastructure
- Techniques for measuring or estimating power consumption of computer and communication infrastructure
- Techniques for reducing power consumption in data center, enterprise and home environments
- Power consumption of networking infrastructure
- Protocol and middleware considerations for reducing power consumption
- Hardware and architectural support for reducing power consumption
- Green network design for high density data centers and cloud computing
- Methods that focus on computing and communication systems as key components for reducing the power footprint in other environments such as smart grids and smart transportation systems
- Application of networking technologies and principles for greening services and utilities affecting our daily life
All submissions must be original work not under review at any other workshop,
conference, or journal. The workshop will accept papers describing completed work
as well as work-in-progress, so long as the promise of the approach is
demonstrated. Radical ideas, potentially of a controversial nature, are strongly
encouraged. Submissions must be no greater than 6 pages in length and must be a
pdf file. Reviews will be single-blind: authors name and affiliation should be
included in the submission. Submissions must follow the other formatting guidelines
Please follow this link
to submit a paper.
TPC Co-Chairs |
Paul Barford |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Jitendra Padhye |
Microsoft Research |
Sambit Sahu |
IBM Research |
Committee Members |
John Crowcroft |
Cambridge University |
Ben Greenstein | Intel Research, Seattle
Rajesh Gupta | University of California, San Deigo
Gianluca Iannaccone | Intel Research, Berkeley
Jim Kurose | University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Bruce Maggs | Duke University
Laurent Massoulie | Thomson Labs
Parthasarathy Ranganathan | HP Labs
Ram Ramjee | Microsoft Research
Suresh Singh | Portland State University
Joerg Widmer | DOCOMO Labs
Prabal Dutta | University of Michigan
Important dates
Submissions due | March 26, 2010 |
Notification | May 14, 2010 |
Camera ready due | May 28, 2010 |
Workshop held on | August 30, 2010 |
Camera-ready preparation instructions for Green Networking
The camera-ready version of the workshop papers must be no greater than 7 pages in length. Please follow this
link for more details.
Technical Program
You can download all Green Networking papers as a single zip file.
9:15am-9:30am   Welcome remarks by PC chairs
9:30am-10:30am   Keynote Talk by Victor Bahl (Microsoft Research)
Title: A Software Perspective to Energy Management
Abstract: Managing energy use provides an opportunity to make a difference in the world and it’s the right thing to do. It forces us to use natural resources efficiently while reducing our carbon footprint. It’s good for business also as rising energy costs force us to look inwards at how we consume energy. A recent study by McKinsey & Company found that Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) could save 7.8 Gigatons of carbon emissions annually or 15% of global emissions in 2020. This amount is greater than is currently released by all sources in the United States.
So how do we begin? In large enterprises, idle desktop machines rarely sleep because users want them to be always accessible. In mega datacenters the energy costs balloon as air conditioners stay on to keep temperature down, potentially having a crippling effect on the business model. I believe that software that empowers people and organizations by providing transparency, usage analysis, and energy smarts is key to addressing the daunting energy and climate challenges the world faces. In this talk, I will describe how emerging solutions like Microsoft Hohm, Joulemeter, Somniloquy, Sleep Proxy, DC Genome, Gargoyle, Virtualization, and Unified Communications can be used to reduce energy usage, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and cut costs. I will also describe some new challenges whose solutions are unknown. These efforts represent an important long-term initiative that presents a tremendous opportunity to help change not only the way we conduct our business but also to help us and others become better global citizens.
10:30am-11:00am   Coffee Break
11am-12:30pm Session 1: Green Data Centers (Chair: Bruce Maggs)
Yunfei Shang (Tsinghua University), Dan Li (Tsinghua University), Mingwei Xu (Tsinghua University)
Mikko Pervilä (Uni. Helsinki, CS Dept.), Jussi Kangasharju (Uni. Helsinki, CS Dept.)
Andrew Krioukov (UC-Berkeley), Prashanth Mohan (UC-Berkeley), Sara Alspaugh (UC-Berkeley), Laura Keys (UC-Berkeley),
David Culler (UC-Berkeley), Randy Katz (UC-Berkeley)
Yanpei Chen (UC Berkeley), Archana Ganapathi (UC Berkeley), Randy Katz (UC Berkeley)
12:30pm-2:00pm   Lunch
2:00pm - 3:30pm   Session 2: Green Internet and Internet for Greening (Chair: Ram Ramjee)
Will Fisher (Princeton University), Martin Suchara (Princeton University), Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University)
Srinivasan Keshav (University of Waterloo), Catherine Rosenberg (University of Waterloo)
Salman Baset (Columbia University), Joshua Reich (Columbia University), Jan Janak (Tekelec), Pavel Kasparek (Tekelec),
Vishal Misra (Columbia University), Dan Rubenstein (Columbia University), Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)
Anand Seetharam (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Manikandan Somasundaram (University of Massachusetts, Amherst),
Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Don Towsley (University of Massachusetts, Amherst),
Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
3:30pm-4:00pm   Coffee Break
4:00pm-5:30pm   Session 3: Miscellaneous (Chair: Prabal Dutta)
Sourjya Bhaumik (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs), Girija Narlikar (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs),
Subhendu Chattopadhyay (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs), Satish Kanugovi (Alcatel-Lucent)
Fernando M.V. Ramos (University of Cambridge), Richard J. Gibbens (University of Cambridge), Fei Song (Beijing Jiaotong University),
Pablo Rodriguez (Telefonica Research Barcelona), Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge), Ian H. White (University of Cambridge)
Priya Mahadevan (HP Labs), Sujata Banerjee (HP Labs), Puneet Sharma (HP Labs)
Nishanth R. Sastry (University of Cambridge), Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge)
5:30pm-6:30pm   Open Mic Session: What did I learn at this workshop?