MobiHeld 2010 — The Second ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking, Systems, and Applications on Mobile Handhelds

In cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE
An ACM SIGCOMM 2010 workshop
New Delhi, India (August 30, 2010)

The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to MobiHeld 2010, co-located with ACM SIGCOMM 2010 in New Delhi, India. The workshop program will consist of technical talks, and a poster/demo session. Please see individual calls for papers, posters, and demos, below.

Call for Papers

Mobile handhelds are the computing and communications devices that will pervade the lives of users worldwide, much more than desktop-based systems. Mobile handhelds come in many forms, including traditional cellular phones, smart phones, music players, electronic book readers, and watch computers. In recent years, the use of mobile handhelds has grown tremendously, as has the functionality for programmers. This platform will likely change the computing and communications landscape in radical ways in the years to come. With the increasing capabilities of these devices come increasing challenges spanning a wide range of domains: in the design of effective networking mechanisms, in application design, in user interface design, in energy efficiency, and in management of these devices.

The goal of the second MobiHeld workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to investigate challenges in designing and utilizing this platform for the Internet of tomorrow.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following (all of which are in the context of mobile handhelds):

All submissions must be original work not under review at any other workshop, conference, or journal. The workshop will accept papers describing completed work as well as work-in-progress, so long as the promise of the approach is demonstrated. Radical and controversial ideas are strongly encouraged.

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be no greater than 6 pages in length and in pdf format. Reviews will be single-blind: authors names and affiliations should be included in the submission. Submissions must follow the other formatting guidelines here.

To facilitate authors to better illustrate various aspects of their systems, we are encouraging authors to create easy-to-view videos demonstrating their system, and to post them on either public websites (such as YouTube) or private ones (in their own webspace). The authors can indicate the URL of such videos in the submitted papers if they would like the reviewers to view them, as part of the evaluation process. In addition, authors are also encouraged to submit their work to the demo session.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.

The submission site is available here:

Important dates for papers

Paper submissions dueFriday, March 19, 2010 Friday, March 26, 2010, 11:59pm US Pacific Time
Notification of acceptanceFriday, April 23, 2010 Friday, April 30, 2010
Camera ready version dueMonday, May 24, 2010
Workshop dateMonday, August 30, 2010

Call for posters/demos

MobiHeld 2010 will host a poster/demo session that will allow participants to showcase their latest research prototypes involving mobile handhelds. Demos should be standalone: you should not expect any local support, including Internet connectivity.

Submissions should be in 2 parts:

Submissions must be made electronically in an email message to the Poster/Demo Chair at The subject of the email should be "MobiHeld: Poster/Demo submission"

All submissions will be acknowledged via return email. If you do not receive an acknowledgement email, please email us directly at nilanb AT and yuvraj AT

Any queries concerning the posters/demo session can be sent to the poster/demo chairs at

Authors with papers under review for the MobiHeld 2010 workshop are strongly encouraged to submit a related demo. If appropriate and desired, we will consider a demo presentation without a published abstract. Please contact us if you wish to take this route.

Important dates for demos

Demo submissions dueFriday, May 7, 2010 Friday, May 14, 2010, 8:00pm US Eastern Time
Notification of acceptanceFriday, May 14, 2010 Friday, May 28, 2010
Camera ready version dueMonday, May 24, 2010 To Be Announced


MobiHeld Steering committee Victor Bahl Microsoft Research Redmond
  Suman Banerjee University of Wisconsin Madison
  Jon Crowcroft University of Cambridge
  Lars Eggert Nokia Research Finland
  Dan Siewiorek Carnegie Mellon University
PC Chairs Landon Cox Duke University
  Alec Wolman Microsoft Research Redmond
Poster / Demo Chairs Yuvraj Agarwal University of California San Diego
  Nilanjan Banerjee University of Arkansas
Publicity Chair Vishnu Navda Microsoft Research India
PC Members Yuvraj Agarwal University of California San Diego
  Nilanjan Banerjee University of Arkansas
  Suman Banerjee University of Wisconsin Madison
  Ranveer Chandra Microsoft Research Redmond
  Andrew Campbell Dartmouth College
  Prabal Dutta University of Michigan
  Deborah Estrin University of California Los Angeles
  Ben Greenstein Intel Labs Seattle
  Maryam Kamvar Google, Inc.
  Petros Maniatis Intel Labs Berkeley
  Kishore Ramachandran NEC Laboratories
  Venugopalan Ramasubramanian Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
  Antony Rowstron Microsoft Research Cambridge
  Romit Roy Choudhury Duke University
  Lakshminarayanan Subramanian New York University
  Patrick Traynor Georgia Institute of Technology
  Alexander Varshavsky AT&T Labs

Camera-ready preparation instructions for MobiHeld

Please follow this link.

Technical Program

You can download all MobiHeld papers as a single zip file.

9:00am-9:15am   Welcome: Landon Cox and Alec Wolman (PC chairs)

9:15am-10:45am   Session 1: Handheld Usage, Measured and Imagined, Chair: Alec Wolman (Microsoft Research)

10:45am-11:00m   Coffee break

11:00am-12:30pm   Session 2: Handheld-to-Handheld Communication, Chair: Suman Banerjee (University of Wisconsin)

12:30pm-2:00pm   Lunch break

2:00pm - 3:30pm   Session 3: Handheld-enabled Services, Chair: Landon Cox (Duke University)

3:30pm-3:45pm   Coffee Break

3:45pm-4:45pm   Keynote: Role of mobile handhelds in redefining how we work, live and experience the world around us: some challenges and opportunities, Sanjoy Paul (Infosys)

4:45pm-6:00pm   Poster and demo session , Chairs: Yuvraj Agarwal (University of California, San Diego), Nilanjan Banerjee (University of Arkansas)