ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks (WOSN'12) (Friday Aug 17, 2012) Helsinki, Finland With nearly half the world's population with access to the Internet being present on an Online Social Network, the field has infiltrated most walks of life. A significant fraction of mind-share in the form of applications, diverse access interfaces, and a large economic ecosystem has developed around this field. Going past the simple characterization and enumeration of properties, the networking research community has shown significant interest in attacking various problems associated with OSNs. WOSN'12 will bring together networking researchers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and important questions posed by emerging social applications. Of particular interest are problems related to system architecture design, explosion of new media traffic, and mobile access. WOSN'12 will facilitate cross-disciplinary discussion of relevance to computer networking involving new ideas and applications and experimental results. The workshop solicits original papers on ongoing work as well as position papers. All papers are limited to 6 pages (10 pt). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: Implications of social networking on network design Network architecture design to support large scale social applications Search strategies in social networks Reputation and trust systems Anonymity and privacy Economic incentives for privacy Architecture and design of external OSN applications Decentralized (ad hoc) network applications and services Measurement and analysis of online communities Program Committee Alessandro Acquisti CMU Virgilio Almeida UFMG, Brazil Landon Cox Duke University Yafei Dai Peking University, China Josh Elman Greylock Partners Lixin Gao Univ of Massachusetts, Amherst Krishna Gummadi Max-Planck Institute for Software Systems Pankaj Gupta Twitter Inc. Emre Kiciman Microsoft Research Yongdae Kim University Minnesota Cecilia Mascolo University of Cambridge Alan Mislove Northeastern University Sue Moon KAIST, Korea Jennifer Neville Purdue University Eamonn O'Neill University of Bath, U.K. Reza Rejaie Univ of Oregon Keith Ross NYU-Polytechnic University Alessandra Sala Bell Labs, Ireland James Salter Government Communications HQ, UK Stefan Saroiu Microsoft Research (PC Co-Chair) Walter Willinger AT&T Labs--Research Ben Zhao UC Santa Barbara (PC Co-Chair) Workshop Organizer Balachander Krishnamurthy (AT&T Labs--Research) Important dates: Paper submission due: Wed March 14 23:59 GMT Acceptance notification: Fri April 20 Camera-ready copy due: Mon June 4 Workshop Friday Aug 17 URL for submission will be available as a link for workshops from