Paper Camrea-Ready Insturctions
Authors of conditionally accepted papers have been notified. They should work with their sheperds to address the reviewers’ concerns. All papers will require explicit approval of the final version from the shepherd.
Authors should upload camera ready versions of their papers to HotCRP, both for shepherd review and for the final version. Shepherds should indicate when a paper is complete by e-mail to the authors and TPC chairs.
Draft final papers must be submitted to the shepherd by June 20, 2019 23:59 UTC.
Final camera-ready paper is due in HotCRP (approved by the shepherd) by June 27, 2019 23:59 UTC.
If you have questions about the camera-ready process, please contact the SIGCOMM 2019 publication chairs Keith Winstein and Xin Jin.
Paper Formatting
All papers must obey the following formatting requirements.
- You must provide an abstract, and it should be of no more than 200 words.
- Paper bodies (all content before references and appendices) must be no more than **twelve (12) single–spaced pages, including figures and tables, followed by as many pages as necessary for references and optional appendicies.
- Appendices may supplement the paper, but cannot be essential the paper's central results. (For example, if the appendix provides details of a proof or experiment, the body should summarize the key result.) Before the first appendix, the following text should appear: "Appendices are supporting material that has not been peer reviewed."
- The paper body must include some statement about ethical considerations. This could be simply the sentence "This work does not raise any ethical issues", or for a paper involving human subjects, the discussion may be more detailed.
- Papers must be formatted for printing on Letter-sized (8.5″ by 11″) paper. Paper text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double-column, with each column 9.25″ by 3.33″, 0.33″ space between columns. Each column must use 9-point font (different from the submission), and contain no more than 56 lines of text.
- You must not number the pages.
- Papers must provide proper indexing information in the final version according to the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). More information about the ACM CCS is available on ACM CCS website.
- Please make sure all fonts are embedded in the document. On Mac, Windows, and Linux, the 'pdffonts' (Poppler) and Adobe Reader tools can report this information. For more information, please see this Stack Overflow page.
- You should ensure that the paper prints well on black-and-white printers, not color printers. Pay particular attention to figures and graphs in the paper to ensure that they are legible without color. Explicitly using grayscale colors will provide best control over how graphs and figures will print on black-and-white printers.
- You should ensure that labels and symbols used in graphs and figures are legible, including the font sizes of tick marks, axis labels, legends, etc.
- You should limit the file size to less than 15 MB. Contact the publication chairs if you have a file larger than 15 MB.
- In its bottom-left corner, the first page of the final paper must include a copyright notice that the author receives after filling out the e-Rights form via the ACM rights-management tool on the HotCRP page of the paper. ACM will use its automated system to email this information to the authors. Please set your email spam settings to allow messages from "". The copyright block includes the DOI specific to the paper, rights-management text that depends on the author's choice of a license or copyright transfer, the official name, dates, and location of the event.
- After acceptance, substantive changes to paper titles require approval by the PC chairs. Only in exceptional circumstances should authors change their author list, and only with the approval of the PC chairs.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission satisfies the above requirements. If you are using LaTeX, you may make use of this template for ACM conference proceedings. You must add "9pt" to the documentclass command to meet the submission requirements. It will read: \documentclass[sigconf,9pt]{acmart}.
You can visually inspect a page-by-page report of your paper format using the same tool as the submission system via a separate online form.
After the submission deadline, we will use the same tool to check the conformance of papers. The format checking tool uses heuristics and can make mistakes. The publication chairs will manually inspect and possibly reject papers with format violations.
Open Access
While the ACM rights-management tool offers the author to pay for open access to the published paper, SIGCOMM has already arranged free access to all SIGCOMM 2019 papers via non-expiring links to the ACM Digital Library (DL) on the SIGCOMM 2019 website. This is a special form of open access, which the ACM calls the OpenTOC service. Unless the author wants to provide the open access to the paper directly at the ACM DL rather than via the special SIGCOMM 2019 website link, we suggest that the author opts for not paying the open access fee in the ACM rights management tool.