ACM SIGCOMM 2019, Beijing, China

ACM SIGCOMM 2019 Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies (NEAT 2019)

Workshop Program

Click here to access the proceedings

  • Monday, August 19, 2019, Shangri-La Hotel

  • 09:05am - 09:15am Welcome

    General Chair: Kiran Makhijani

  • 09:15am - 10:00am Session 1: Keynote I

    Session Chair: Prof K.K. Ramakrishnan

  • Network Support for Emerging Applications: Flexible Network Services as Frameworks?

    Prof, Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA

    • Abstract: Classical IP-based Internet provides only a best-effort service where a network can delay or drop packets with no deterministic performance guarantees. The ascent and dominance of servers virtualization and cloud computing has fundamentally changed the way how we develop large-scale applications and services, giving rise to "application frameworks" that are developed to facilitate and support various classes of application development in cloud environments. In this talk, we will use some examples to motivate and illustrate the new challenges posed by these application frameworks as well as emerging applications such as ML/AI, AR/VR and IoT services. We argue that better network support is needed for co-design of application frameworks, emerging applications and network services.


      Bio: Zhi-Li Zhang received Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the University of Massachusetts. He joined the faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota in 1997, where he is currently the McKnight Distinguished University Professor and Qwest Chair Professor in Telecommunications. He currently also serves as the Associate Director for Research at the Digital Technology Center, University of Minnesota. Prof. Zhang's research interests lie broadly in computer and communication networks, Internet technology, multimedia systems and content distribution networks, cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things, and (applied) machine learning and data mining. Prof. Zhang has published more than 100 journal and conference/workshop papers, many of them in top venues in networking and related fields. He is co-recipient of several Best Papers awards including IEEE INFOCOM10, ICNP03, ACM SIGMETRICS96 and RAID13 conferences as well as ACM SIGCOMM APNet’18 and NetAI’19 workshops. Prof. Zhang has chaired several major conferences in networking including IEEE INFOCOM, ACM SIGMETRICS, IEEE ICNP, IFIP Networking and ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), and served on the Editorial Board of several journals such as IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM TOMPECS, and PACM MACS. He is a Fellow of IEEE.


  • 10:00am - 10:30am Break

  • 10:30am - 12:00am Session 2: Paper Presentation-I (Topic: Emerging Network Services)

    Session Chair: Stuart Clayman

  • 10:30am - 10:35am


    Stuart Clayman

  • 10:35am - 11:00am

    Dynamically Optimizing End-to-End Latency for Time-Triggered Networks

    Zonghui Li (Software School, Tsinghua University), Hai Wan (Software School,Tsinghua University), Boxu Zhao (Software School, Tsinghua University, Yangdong Deng (Software School, Tsinghua University, Ming Gu (Software School, Tsinghua University)

  • 11:00am - 11:25am

    A Framework for Qualitative Communications using Big Packet Protocol

    Richard Li (Futurewei Technologies), Kiran Makhijani (Futurewei Technologies), Hamed Yousefi (Futurewei Technologies), Cedric Westphal (Futurewei Technologies), Lijun Dong (Futurewei Technologies), Tim Wauters (Ghent University), Filip De Turck (Ghent University),

  • 11:25am - 11:50am

    Efficient Dynamic Isolation of Congestion in Lossless DataCenter Networks

    Luis Gonzalez-Naharro (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Jesus Escudero-Sahuquillo (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Pedro Javier Garcia (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Francisco J. Quiles (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), Jose Duato (Technical University of Valencia, Spain), Wenhao Sun (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China), Li Shen (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China), Xiang Yu (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China), Hewen Zheng (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., China)

  • 11:30am - 13:30pm Lunch Break

  • 13:30pm - 14:15pm Session 3: Keynote II

    Session Chair: Kiran Makhijani

  • 13:30pm - 13:35pm


    Kiran Makhijani

  • (13:35pm - 14:15pm) FlexNGIA – A Fully Flexible Novel Architecture for the Next-Generation Tactile Internet

    Prof. Mohamed Faten Zhani, ÉTS Montreal, Canada

    • Abstract: From virtual reality and teleportation, to telepresence, augmented reality, holograms, and remotely controlled robotics, these future network applications promise an unprecedented development for society, economics and culture by revolutionizing the way we live, learn, work and play. Unfortunately, today’s Internet falls short when it comes to providing the stringent performance requirements imposed by such applications. This is due to several fundamental limitations in the design of the current network architecture and communication protocols. As a result, there is a pressing need to rethink the network architecture and protocols, and efficiently harness recent technological advances in terms of virtualization and network softwarization to design the Tactile Internet of the future. In this talk, we start by analyzing the characteristics and requirements of future networking applications and highlight the limitations of the current network architecture and protocols. We then draw a rough sketch of FlexNGIA, a Flexible Next-Generation Internet Architecture that is able to satisfy the requirements of future Internet applications and services. We also discuss through some use-cases how FlexNGIA could ensure the service level guarantees required by some of the future network applications.


      Bio: Mohamed Faten Zhani is an associate professor with the department of software and IT engineering at l’École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS Montreal) in Canada. His research interests include cloud computing, network function virtualization, software-defined networking and resource management in large-scale distributed systems. Faten has co authored several book chapters and research papers published in renowned conferences and journals including IEEE/IFIP/ACM CNSM, IEEE/IFIP IM/NOMS, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE transactions on cloud computing and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). He served as the general or technical program chair of several international workshops and conferences. He is also co-editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine series on "Telecom Software, Network Virtualization, and Software Defined Networks", associate editor of the IEEE Transactions of Network and Service Management, Wiley international journal of network management, and managing editor of the IEEE softwarization newsletter. He is co founder and vice-chair of the IEEE Network Intelligence Emerging Technology Initiative and a cluster lead at the IEEE P1916.1 SDN/NFV Performance standard group. Faten recently received the IEEE/IFIP IM 2017 Young Researchers and Professionals Award as a recognition for outstanding research contribution and leadership in the field of network and service management. More details are available on his web page:


  • 14:15pm - 14:20pm Session 4: Presentation-II (Topic: Internet Architecture)

    Session chair: Dr. Richard Li

  • 14:20pm - 14:25pm


    Dr. Richard Li

  • 14:25pm - 14:40pm

    KolmoLD: Data Modelling for the Modern Internet

    Dmitry Borzov (Huawei Canada), Tingqiu Yuan (Huawei Technologies), Jian Li (Huawei Technologies), Mikhail Ignatovich (Huawei Canada)

  • 14:40pm - 15:05pm

    Routing and Addressing with Length Variable IP Address

    Shoushou Ren (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd), Delei Yu (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Guangpeng Li (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Ye Tian (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Xiangyang Gong (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Shihui Hu (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Robert Moskowitz (HTT Consulting, LLC)

  • 15:05pm - 15:30pm Break

  • 15:30pm - 17:00pm Session 5: Paper Presentation (III) (Emerging Media applications at the Edge)

    Session chair: Prof Stuart Clayman

  • 15:30pm - 15:35pm


    Prof Stuart Clayman

  • 15:35pm - 16:00pm

    Analysis of Cellular Network Latency for Edge-Based Remote Rendering Streaming Applications

    Zhehui Zhang (UCLA), Shu Shi (AT&T Labs Research), Varun Gupta (AT&T Labs Research), Rittwik Jana (AT&T Labs Research)

  • 16:00pm - 16:25pm

    Deep Learning-based Short Video Recommendation and Prefetching for Mobile Commuting Users

    Qian Li (Communication University of China), Yuan Zhang (Communication University of China), Hong Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Jinyao Yan (Communication University of China)

  • 16:25pm - 16:50pm

    Toward Consistent State Management of Adaptive Programmable Networks Based on P4

    Mu He (Technical University of Munich), Andreas Blenk (Technical University of Munich), Stefan Schmid (University of Vienna), Wolfgang Kellerer (Technical University of Munich)

  • 16:50pm - 17:30pm Session 6: Panel discussion in NEAT

    Moderator: Prof KK Ramakrishnan (UCR, USA)

  • Enabling Holographic media for Future Applications: Identifying the missing pieces and limitations in Networks

    Panelists: Richard Li (ITU FG-NET-2030, Chair), Dr. Chongfeng Xie (China Telecom), Prof Faten Zhani (ETS Montreal), Prof Stuart Clayman (UCL, UK), Prof Zhi-Li Zhang (UMN, US)

  • 17:30pm - 17:35pm Closing remarks

Call for Papers

The 2nd NEAT workshop aims to provide a forum for both industry and academia to exchange ideas about network architectures, technologies, and protocols specifically in the context of emerging applications, with a particular focus on internetworking technologies that achieve accurate prescribed latency, high throughput, and meet service level objectives in complex and high scale networks.

Beyond the Internet of today, applications in Industrial Internet, Vehicular Networks, Tactile Internet, etc. are soon going to be the mainstream. A non-exhaustive list of such applications are Smart cities, Smart health, Smart agriculture, Industrial automation Remote-controlled operations, etc.; The insatiable demand of network resources from such new and emerging applications continue to grow and in the near future networks will be limited by how much and how fast can they deliver services within the framework of currently available technologies.

“New Media” based applications are foreseen as well. They include not only Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) but hologram-based applications demanding a new communication methodology called Holographic Type Communications (HTC). Collectively they are going to influence not just the entertainment and gaming industry but are expected to inspire the next generation of immersive and visualization technologies in the fields of personal & social communications, education, design, medicine etc.

Overall, applications are advancing to be lot more immersive, remotely controlled, and fully automated. The interactions in future society, industry and manufacturing comprises of robotic automation of both mundane and sophisticated tasks, real-time interactive control between digital replica and their real counterparts. These applications mandate very tight resource constraints of reliability, performance, throughput, short latencies, etc. as well as programmability, customizability, and security. The challenge is a non-trivial one and asks researchers to think beyond traditional techniques of coarse-grained quality of service, congestion / management / traffic engineering, and flow control.

These applications may demand new kinds of absolute and precise communication attributes such as on-time, in-time and coordinated guarantees of services or alternatively, may allow networks with certain entropy or qualitative attributes such as tolerable degradation, partial packet reliability, recoverable loss of information as long as networks ensure that mandatory information is delivered intact.

The goal is to explore possibilities such as those beyond statistical resource scheduling in favor of deterministic packet delivery techniques, exploring new precision-based packet delivery, algorithms, switching and multiplexing technologies where ever necessary in large scale networks. Potential authors will be able to share their viewpoints, the latest research and project findings.

Topics of Interest

We solicit stimulating, original, previously unpublished ideas on completed work, position papers, and/or work-in-progress papers in the form of extended abstracts. We further encourage papers that propose new research directions or could stimulate lively debate at the workshop.

We invite submissions on a wide range of topics of interest, including, but not limited to:

  • Architecture and frameworks for delivering high precision of services
  • Convergence and optimizations of protocols for Industrial and Tactile networks
  • Solutions for deterministic services in Industrial and Tactile networks
  • Investigations, survey and techniques in data plane for Industrial and Tactile internet.
  • Network challenges and requirements for emerging, resource-sensitive applications
  • Mechanisms to support ultra-low-latency in packet based networks
  • Internetworking frameworks for deterministic multi-access edge applications
  • Maximizing link utilization for high-throughput applications
  • Architecture and protocols for reliable packet delivery
  • Network security and privacy issues in Industrial and Tactile interne
  • Resource allocation mechanisms deterministic and reliable data transmission
  • Requirements and challenges in Holographic type communications
  • Networking requirements and challenges of VR/AR
  • High-throughput transport for VR/AR and Holographic type communications
  • Adaptive video streaming for network/user dynamics
  • Video analytics and smart offloading for VR/AR
  • Measurement study of existing VR/AR and HTC applications

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another conference or journal. Submitted papers must use the new ACM template (using sigconf document type) from the 2018 ACM consolidated template package (you can also use this barebone LaTeX template). The font size must be 9 points. The length of the final paper with all its content except references must not exceed 6 pages. Papers must include author’s names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the PC. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their papers at the workshop.

Paper Submission:

Please submit your paper via

Authors Take Note

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to TWO WEEKS prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.


Attendance of the workshop is by open registration and subject to the same registration fees and rules as all the other SIGCOMM 2019 workshops. The registrants of the workshop may freely attend any workshop on the same day.

Camera-ready instructions

For the final paper to be published, please refer to Camera-ready instructions for workshops.

Important Dates

  • June 23, 2019

    Camera-ready deadline

  • August 19, 2019

    Workshop date

  • May 27, 2019

    Paper acceptance notification

  • April 17, 2019

    Submission deadline (firm)

  • April 17, 2019

    Paper registration deadline (firm)


  • General Chairs
  • K.K. Ramakrishnan

    University of California, Riverside, USA

  • Kiran Makhijani

    Future Networks, Futurewei, CA, USA

  • Program Committee Chairs
  • Richard Li

    Future Networks, Futurewei, CA, USA

  • Dipankar Raychaudhuri

    Winlab, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA

  • Stuart Clayman

    University College London, London, UK

  • Technical Program Committee
  • Barbara Martinii

    CNIT, Italy

  • Daphne Tuncer

    Imperial College. UK

  • Diego R. Lopez

    Telefonica, Spain

  • Federica Paganelli

    University of Florence, Italy

  • Feng Qian

    UMN, USA

  • Flavio Esposito

    Saint Louis University, USA

  • Francesco Tusa

    UCL, UK

  • Imen Grida Ben Yahia

    Orange, France

  • Javier Rubio Loyola

    CINVESTAV, Mexico

  • Jo Zhang

    Fujitsu Laboratories, USA

  • Larysa Globa

    Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine

  • Lefteris Mamatas

    University of Macedonia, Greece

  • Lixia Zhang


  • Marinos Charalambedes

    UCL, UK

  • Martin Serrano

    DERI, Ireland

  • Mehmet Toy

    Verizon, USA

  • Mohamed Faten Zhani

    l'École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Canada

  • Mostafa Essa

    Vodafone, Egypt

  • Muge Sayit

    Ege University, Turkey

  • Ning Wang

    University of Surrey, UK

  • Panagiotis Papadimitriou

    University of Macedonia, Greece

  • Pedro Martinez-Julia

    NICT, Tokyo

  • Rui Aguiar

    Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal

  • Stefano Secci

    LIP6, France

  • Stewart Bryant

    University of Surrey, UK

  • Tao Huang

    BUPT, China

  • Tim Wauters

    University of Gent, Belgium

  • TV Lakshman

    Nokia Bell Labs, USA

  • Walter Cerroni

    University of Bologna, Italy

  • Yong liu

    New York University, USA