UPDATE: NetFPGA has been selected to receive the ACM SIGCOMM SOSR Software Systems Award in 2019!

ACM SIGCOMM SOSR Software Systems Award

The ACM SIGCOMM SOSR Software Systems Award is given to an individual or an institution to recognize the development of a software system that has had a significant impact on SDN research, implementations, and tools. The impact may be reflected in the widespread adoption of the system, or of its underlying concepts, by the wider SDN community, either in research projects, in the open-source community, or commercially. The award includes a prize of $1,000. The award is presented at SOSR each year and the winner is invited to give a talk at the conference.

Submission Instructions

Nominations should be submitted by email to sigcomm.sosr.systems.award@gmail.com on or before January 12th, 2019 to be considered for this year’s award.

A nomination for the Software Systems Award that is not selected may be re-submitted in following years, but after three successive unsuccessful submissions, should not be re-submitted for at least one year.

Each nomination should consist of the following items:

Selection Process

The recipient of the award will be selected by a committee comprising the following members:

Because this award is intended to recognize highly influential people and software systems, it is possible that members of the awards committee may have a conflict of interest with some of the nominees. For the purposes of this award, conflicts of interest will include: PhD and postdoc advisors and advisees, scientific collaborators and co-authors within the past two years, immediate family members, and any relationships that involve a significant financial interest including employment, grants, consulting, advisory boards, etc. Any committee member who has a conflict of interest with a nominee or who feels that their association with a nominee would interfere with their ability to be impartial shall be excluded from the relevant parts of the discussion.