November 30, Philadelphia, USA

Photo by Bob Krist for the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau

Workshop on Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of Tomorrow

Call for Papers

There continues to be great interest in the networking research community in rearchitecting the distribution of functions in IP networks. These efforts can be described as a refactoring of router and switch functionality into modular components and well-defined interfaces, with the goal of enabling greater extensibility in networks. Extensible network infrastructure would enable the deployment of new network services, customization of networks for different applications and customers, easier network management and so forth. Efforts in this space span the range from open APIs for select management, data and control plane functions to various open router platforms including software-based routers, open firmware and open hardware platforms.

Programmable network elements hold the promise of accelerating innovation and service deployment in networks. At the same time, greater programmability could exacerbate already challenging network management tasks. This workshop will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between researchers and industry practitioners with a goal of driving service innovation in IP networks using novel extensible router and switch architectures.

Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

The workshop solicits original papers on completed work, position papers, and/or work-in-progress papers on the challenges raised above. Papers that bring out new and interesting approaches at an early stage of their development are very welcome as are papers that describe industry efforts related to the CFP.

PDF version of the CFP is available here.

Instructions for Authors

A submission must be no greater than 6 pages in length including all figures, tables, references, appendices, etc., and must be a PDF file of less than 10MB. The review process is single-blind.

Follow the same formatting guidelines as the CoNEXT conference, except PRESTO has a 6 page limit and a 10MB file size limit. See the “Formatting Guidelines” section. Submissions that deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration.

Paper submission website is

Important dates

Abstract Submission Friday August 13, 2010 23:59:59 PDT (Extended)
Paper Submission Friday August 20, 2010 23:59:59 PDT (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance September 24, 2010
Camera-ready Papers Due October 31, 2010 (Extended)
Workshop November 30, 2010


TPC co-chairs T. S. Eugene Ng Rice University
  Sylvia Ratnasamy Intel Research
  Jonathan M. Smith University of Pennsylvania
PC Members Aditya Akella University of Wisconsin-Madison
  Katerina Argyraki EPFL
  Hitesh Ballani Microsoft Research
  Matthew Caesar UIUC
  Martin Casado Nicira
  Nick Feamster Georgia Tech
  Boon Thau Loo University of Pennsylvania
  David Maltz Microsoft Research
  Jeff Mogul HP Labs
  Craig Partridge BBN
  Bernhard Plattner ETH Zurich
  Dipankar Raychaudhuri Rutgers
  Jennifer Rexford Princeton University
  Michael Walfish UT Austin
Steering Committee Patrick Crowley Washington University in St. Louis
  T.V. Lakshman Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs
  Dave Maltz Microsoft Research
  Nick McKeown Stanford University
  Jennifer Rexford Princeton University
  Kobus Van der Merwe AT&T Labs - Research