Workshop Hotel and Venue
HotNets 2015 will take place at the Sheraton Philadelphia University City Hotel, located at 3549 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104.
The Hotel is located within UPenn's campus and is an easy walk to the reception on Monday evening. For direction to the hotel, please check here. If you decide to stay elsewhere you may want to use the hotel address to search for options in the vicinity.
We've reserved blocks of rooms as follows:
- Rates per night: $169 (king bed, single or double occupancy), $179 (triple), $189 (quad)
- Rates are available two days prior and 2 days after the event.
- Rates do not include applicable state and local taxes, currently 15.5%, nor tips, gratuities, or service charges for employees.
- Complimentary WiFi is included in the room rate.
- Parking available for additional charge.
- Last day to reserve has been extended to October 24th (based on availability), 5pm local time!
- Book online or by phone at (215)-387-8000. Group code is "ACM HOTNETS 2015".