Conference Program

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Call For Participation: The Outrageous Opinions Session

It is an outrage! And what is worse it will happen again... Is there no decency left in this community?

Seriously now (yeah right!), the highly succesful Outrageous Opinions Session (OOS) is seeking brave undividuals to undergo avoidable self-humilation in front of their peers. If you have an edgy technical suggestion, a crazy idea, a funny comment, or plain old nihilistic social satire, this is your chance.

The session has been a tremendous success so far. It is slowly turning into the most significant event of the conference with a proposal acceptance ratio of one out of 100,000. Approximately. OOS speakers are welcomed as Olympic gold medalists, when they return to their home countries.

Brave participants are encouraged to contact this year's OOS organizer, who often reponds to the name of Michalis Faloutsos and is not dangerous. It would be great if you can send him an email ahead of time with: a) your intention to participate, b) a possible topic with a brief outline of your talk, and c) your credit card number with expiry date (we accept them all). We may be forced to enforce a first-come first served policy. However, you can also contact Michalis before the session at the conference. A picture of Michalis may appear on this page to facilitate the recognition. If it does not, you may rely on your detective instincts or visit his website:

Format: Speakers will have 8 minutes to unleash their creative powers. The time may have to be adjusted (5-10) according to participation. Questions from the audience may be allowed, if time permits.

Winners: All speakers and audience alike. In particular, the ones who drink the most free drinks.

Awards: We intend to give certificates of participation to all speakers. That is, if we do not prefer to embezzle the money instead.

Suggested topics include but are NOT limited to the following:

  • My vision of the future of networking
  • Little known facts of the history of communications
  • My pet-peeves about computers, the network, and my colleagues
  • My router does not love me any more: ten certain give-away tips
  • If the future is here now, where would I be yesterday?
  • If technology is my friend, why do I still need to work?
And remember:
Science and technology are great, but nothing beats fun.

Last Modified: March 28, 2001