Second Workshop on Situating Network Infrastructure with People, Practices, and Beyond (SNIP2+)
Workshop Program
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Title: TBD
Speaker: Zachary Giles, NYCMesh
10:00am-10:10am Break
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11:20am-11:30am Break
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For a joint operator-centric approach to assessing network management effort
Marc Bruyere (Internet Initiative Japan Lab), Daphne Tuncer (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
What's my Daily Value? Interpretation of network performance metrics in broadband consumer labels
Wesley Woo, Shaddi Hassan (Virginia Tech)
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
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Stories from the Field (of Networking): Lessons from Deploying Research Systems in the Real World
Kurtis Heimerl, Esther Jang, Innocent Ndubuisi-Obi Jr (University of Washington)
DeTagTive: Linking MACs to Protect Against Malicious BLE Trackers
Tess Despress, Noelle Davis, Prabal Dutta, David Wagner (UC Berkeley)
2:40pm-2:45pm Break
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Call for Papers
Computer networks are pervasive critical infrastructure, with artifacts informed by networking research, ranging from cell phones to data centers, impacting the lives of billions of people daily. Indeed, all networks involve humans in some way – either as end users, network operators, network planners, non-users, or myriad other ways in which humans are entangled with today’s Internet infrastructure. Recognizing the interaction between networks and humans as a first-class research focus can open fruitful lines of inquiry into important, long-standing and new questions facing the networking and human-computer interaction (HCI) communities. For example:
- Networks continue to be complicated to troubleshoot, manage, and plan, even for experts. Could adopting human-centered design methods help create networks that are easier to manage?
- Applications and network infrastructure are constantly evolving. How can we better understand and communicate the impacts on end users’ quality of experience?
- Communities around the world face challenges gaining and maintaining equitable access to the Internet, particularly in the Global South. How can community values and aspirations inform the design of communications networks?
We invite submissions to the second Workshop on Situating Network Infrastructure with People, Practices and Beyond (SNIP2+). This workshop seeks to build a community of researchers interested in exploring topics that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries to examine the diverse ways in which people interact with network infrastructure. We take a broad view of work at the intersection of people, practices, and networks, and invite contributions from the practitioner community, policymakers, and the range of academic communities that conduct research in this area, including but not limited to computer networking, information and communication technology for development (ICTD), human-computer interaction (HCI), public policy, law, information science, and science and technology studies (STS). Towards that end, we invite submissions to the following two tracks, non-archival and archival.
For the non-archival track, we invite both preliminary work-in-progress and position papers, each seeking feedback and discussion from our extended community. Papers will be in workshop form (up to 6 pages plus references), and in two-column 10pt ACM format.
In the interest of community-building, we also invite proposals for lightning talks from all participants. Lightning talks should last no longer than two minutes, and should include a brief summary of your interests in or connections to the topics of the workshop, any relevant prior work you wish to share with the community, and discussion relating to themes of the workshop. These topics may range from proposing approaches to augment an existing networking paper with an HCI lens, to presenting a provocative opinion on the intersection of societal issues and networking research. Submissions should consist of a one-slide presentation or visual you intend to present, which will be reviewed lightly for topical relevance. These submissions will also belong within the non-archival track.
For the archival track we seek novel contributions or results of ongoing research. These submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not under consideration at another venue. Papers should be at most 6 pages in length, plus references and appendices, in two-column 10pt ACM format. Submissions must include author names and affiliations for single-blind peer reviewing by the PC. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present and discuss their work at the workshop.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Human-centered approaches to network management
- User studies of networked systems
- Community networking
- Critical perspectives on networking
- Societal impact of networked systems
- Policy/regulation of networked systems (e.g., Section 230)
- Rural perspectives on networking
- Use-centered network measurement
- Best practices in building networks with marginalized communities
- Sociology of networking
Submission Instructions
Submission link for papers:
Submission link for lightning talks:
Important Dates
June 11, 2023
Submission deadline
July 2, 2023
Acceptance notification
July 14, 2023
Camera-ready deadline
August 28, 2023
Lightning talks
September 10, 2023
- Organizing Committee
Shaddi Hasan
Virginia Tech
Kurtis Heimerl
University of Washington
Innocent Obi
University of Washington
Beatriz Palacios Abad
Georgia Tech
Gloire Rubambiza
Wesley Woo
Virginia Tech
Ellen Zegura
Georgia Tech
- Program Committee
Naveen Bagalkot
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design, & Technology
Elizabeth Belding
Theophilus Benson
Nic Bidwell
Aalborg University
Marshini Chetty
University of Chicago
Marwan Fayed
Cloudflare Research
Shaddi Hasan
Virginia Tech
Kurtis Heimerl
University of Washington
Esther Jang
University of Washington
Matt Johnson
Jen Liu
Cornell University
Tarun Mangla
University of Chicago
Leandro Navarro
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Innocent Obi
University of Washington
Beatriz Palacios
Georgia Tech
Zafar Ayyub Qazi
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Barath Raghavan
Fernanda Rosa
Virginia Tech
Gloire Rubambiza
Cornell University
Paul Schmitt
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Nervo Verdezoto
Cardiff University
Morgan Vigil-Hayes
Northern Arizona University
Hakim Weatherspoon
Cornell University
Wesley Woo
Virginia Tech
Ellen Zegura
Georgia Tech
Mariya Zheleva
SUNY Albany
Nick Feamster
University of Chicago
Susan Wyche
Michigan State University