Travel Grants

Travel Grant Submissions.

Travel Grants submissions are now open.

Apply before September 9, 2016, 11:59 PM GMT. Late applications will not be considered.

Decision notification will be sent out by September 24, 2016.

Travel Grants Types

Student Travel Grants

The purpose of this program is to encourage graduate student participation at the conference by funding the travel cost for students who would otherwise be unable to attend. Eligibility: Applicants to this grant must be a student at the time of attending IMC 2016 to qualify. Selection criteria: The student statement/letter and advisor letter(s) weigh strongly in selecting students for an IMC travel grant. Generally, travel grants are awarded to PhD students pursuing research in areas of interest to IMC. We rarely consider terminal MS students and do not consider postdocs.

Prioritization order:

  1. Students from under-represented groups or institutions. Additionally, grants are spread across institutions, and the historical tendency is to award one travel grant per institution;

  2. Students who authored rejected IMC papers;

  3. Students who have not received a prior IMC travel grant;

  4. Student authors of accepted papers who will not be speaking at the conference. For US-based students, we rarely consider those who will be speaking at the conference, believing they should be supported by their advisors/institutions. For non-US-based students, we tend to relax this requirement on occasion given the different funding models in other countries.

The factors above represents our rough prioritization. We also take into account extenuating circumstances that are discussed in statements and letters.

Funding level: The expectation is that a student travel grant will significantly offset air fare, shared hotel accommodation, and registration. It may not fully cover these expenses, however, since our desire is to maximize participation by students.

Geo-Diversity Travel Grant

The grant sponsors selected attendees in their early career from countries with historically low participation in the SIGCOMM-sponsored conferences.

Eligibility: Applicants to this grant must be in their early career (post-docs, or at most five years of full-time, full-level [non-postdoc] post-PhD employment) and from countries historically under-represented at IMC (e.g. Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia).

Selection criteria: The committee strongly prefers applicants who are not paper authors (the committee believes that authors’ home organizations should cover costs for authors). Other evaluation criteria will include evidence of a serious interest in networking, as demonstrated by project experience. In most cases, no more than one applicant will be funded from each organization. We encourage participation of women and under-represented minorities.

Funding level: Support is intended to fully cover travel (economy airfare), registration for the conference, lodging at the conference hotel (during the conference), meals, and local transportation. The specific costs will vary for each applicant, and are not expected to exceed $3500 for junior faculty, or $3000 for students.

How to Apply

Submissions are at the Travel Grants submissions website .

The following information is needed:

Additional Information

Please pay attention to the following details about the travel grant application and reimbursement process: