ACM ICN 2019, Hong Kong, CHINA

Camera-ready Instructions

Before submitting camera-ready papers, authors of accepted papers will need to complete the ACM rights management form. You will be notified once these forms are available and ready to sign.

After completing their rights management form, authors will be emailed the correct rights management text and bibliographic strip to place within their paper. It is essential that authors enter the text into their paper.

As rights management emails are sent from an automated system, there is a chance that emails sent will wind up in SPAM folders. Please make sure that you and your authors set email SPAM settings to allow emails from

ACM ICN 2019 will use HotCRP for collecting camera-ready submission ( Please prepare your paper according to the instructions provided below:

  • Full papers should be no more than ten (10) single-spaced pages, including figures, tables, appendices, etc. References do NOT count against the page limit. In order to ensure adequate citation of related work, extra pages of references are allowed (and encouraged).
  • For short papers the limit is six (6) pages, also EXCLUDING references.
  • Font size for the main text is the same as in the provided template (9 pt). This is in contrast to the 10pt font in the initial submission to allow authors extra space to address reviewers’ comments.
  • For posters and demos the page limit is two (2) single-spaced pages, INCLUDING references.
  • Include names and affiliations of all authors in the title page.
  • Please do NOT number the pages of your camera-ready paper.
  • ACM MSWord and LaTeX templates and related information may be found at:
    Please follow the instructions on that page for using the templates to prepare your camera-ready paper copy.
    • NOTE: LaTeX users should select the “sigconf” document subclass ("\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}”).
    • NOTE: ACM templates use a body text font size of 9pt. Please DO NOT alter this size for your camera-ready paper. This is in contrast to the 10pt font requested for your initial submission. This is to allow authors some extra space to address reviewers’ comments.
    • NOTE: please contact the conference publications chair Tian Song if you have questions about use of the ACM document templates or generating your camera-ready final paper copy.
  • As described on the above template webpage, the authors should provide proper indexing information in the final version according to the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). More information about the ACM CCS is available on ACM CCS website.
  • Please provide an abstract of no more than 250 words.
  • Submit the source files and PDF (Portable Document Format) of your camera-ready paper. Avoid using any special characters or non-standard fonts. We must be able to display and print your submission exactly as we receive it using only standard tools and printers, so we strongly suggest that you use only standard fonts embedded in the PDF file.
  • Ensure that labels and symbols used in graphs and figures are legible, including the font sizes of tick marks, axis labels, legends, etc. Limit the file size to less than 15MB. Contact the TPC chairs if you have a file larger than 15 MB.

PDF files must be prepared using Type 1, OpenType, or TrueType fonts (scalable), and not Type 3 (bit-mapped). Virtually all modern LaTeX installations will meet this condition; only use of the very old original Computer Modern fonts is likely to cause a problem.

All fonts must be embedded within your submitted PDF file. Any PDF that is not uploaded with fonts embedded will need to be corrected. Most modern document preparation workflows now embed fonts by default. To help you confirm that this requirement is met and fix it if necessary, ACM has provided some documentation at:

Note however the the portion of this documentation concerned with generating PDF files is quite old and assumes the use of Adobe Acrobat Distiller; please consult local expertise or the conference publications chair if this doesn’t match your needs.