Call for Posters and Demos
The ICN poster and demo sessions are intended to showcase works-in-progress. Topics of interest are the same as those listed in the main track call for papers. We strongly encourage both student and industry submissions. Both demos and posters should be accompanied by a two-page extended abstract, which will be published in the conference proceedings.
We specifically encourage submissions of posters and demos that are accompanied with datasets. Such submissions will have a preferential treatment during the review and will be eligible for special awards. The aim is to collect and share datasets that can hopefully become a common ground for evaluation in the ICN community.
The posters and demos submitted to ACM ICN 2019 must be original and cannot be concurrently submitted to other workshops or conferences during the ACM ICN 2019 poster/demo review period. All dual submissions will be rejected without review.
Why should you submit a Poster or a Demo?
Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for students, to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Accepted posters and demos will be published as a two-page abstract for the archived conference proceedings. Students who are submitting posters are highly encouraged to examine if they are eligible for student travel grants.
What to submit:
If you are submitting a poster, you must submit a two-page abstract in PDF format that describes your work. The abstract should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed, (b) what makes this problem interesting, (c) your approach, and (d) the key contribution.
If you are submitting a demo, you must submit a three-page abstract (two-page overview, one page demo requirements). The first two pages should clearly state: (a) the problem being addressed and why it is important, (b) the approach taken and the design of the demo, (c) the key contribution and (d) any special technical requirements. The third page of technical requirements should detail:
- Equipment to be used for the demo.
- Space needed.
- Setup time required.
- Additional facilities needed, including power and any Internet access requirements.
If demo is accepted, we strongly encourage that authors create a poster supporting the demo.
In both cases, acceptance will be primarily based on review of the submitted abstract.
Preparation of Abstracts
To submit abstracts, please first read the submission policies, the conflicts of interest, and the formatting requirements specified on this page. Word documents will not be accepted. The abstracts of accepted posters and demos will be available to all attendees at the conference.
It is highly encouraged that each demo proposal includes a video clip showcasing the work, in addition to the abstract. The video should be no more than 3 minutes and should give a good idea of what the demo is about and what it would look like. Including a video clip will help the committee better understand and evaluate your proposal.
Authors of accepted demos and posters will be encouraged to publish auxiliary material in the ACM Digital Library with their poster/demo (source code, packet traces, and so forth) to improve the reproducibility of their results. The auxiliary material does not need to be submitted but can be referenced in the submission.
Where to Submit
Abstracts for posters and demos should be submitted via the ICN 2019 Posters and Demos submission website. Submissions will be reviewed through a double-blind process, so please DO NOT include authors’ names and affiliations.
Important Dates
July 29, 2019, 12am EDT
Submissions Deadline
August 7, 2019, 12am EDT
Acceptance Notification
August 23, 2019, 12am EDT
Camera-ready Due
- Demo/Posters Chairs
Satyajayant "Jay" Misra
New Mexico State University
- Demo/Posters Program Committee